Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

me said:
UK/EU Update 18/09/08:

Fracture Demo

Soul Calibur IV Demo

NBA Live 09 Demo

Rock Band
"All Over Again - Locksley £0.99p
"Don't Make Me Wait" - Locksley £0.99p
"She Does" - Locksley £0.99p
"Livin' on the Corner of Dude and Catastrophe" - MC Frontalot £0.59p
"Shhh...." - The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets £0.59p
"Skullcrusher Mountain" - Jonathan Coulton £0.59p
Locksley Pack 01 £2.49p
The PAX 2008 Collection Pack £1.69p
Rock Band Song Export Key £2.49p

Fallout 3 official trailer 720P
Resistance 2 Twisted History Movie 720P
Pure Exhilaration Trailer 720P
2 x Pain Trailers for Clown Toss and Hot & Cold modes

PlayTV Product Trailer

4 x Pain Themes
inFamous Theme
PlayTV Theme

3 x Pain Wallpapers
PlayTV Wallpaper

UK/EU Update 25/09/08:
some guy on avforums said:
WipEout HD (Full Game) - £11.99

Burnout Paradise PSN (Full Game) - £24.99

Mega Man 9 (Full Game) - £6.99

Video Games Quiz (Buzz Game Pack) - £3.49

Lots of Rock Band stuff...

Mercenaries 2 Demo

Beijing 2008 Demo

Mega Man 9 Trial

High Stakes Poker Add On 2

PES 2009 Trailer

Valkyria Chronicles Trailer

Ferrari Challenge Trailer

Pure Trailer

Pain Amusement Park Trailer( x2)

MGS4 Trailer

Bioshock Theme

Fallout 3 Theme

Burnout Legends PSP - £14.99

Burnout Dominator PSP - £17.99

All 3 Burnout games = rip off prices imo.

Downloading Wipeout HD now.

avforums said:
Bioshock (1.8GB!!!) and PES 2009 demo's are up on UK store


GEON full game (£4.99)
FIFA 09 Live Season Game Packs x7 (£4.99 each)
Rockband Game Packs
PixelJunk Eden Soundtrack (£1.49)
PixelJunk Monsters Soundtrack (£1.49)
Facebreaker Trailers x3
Tomb Raider: Underworld Gameplay Trailer
GT Academy Finalists Video
Fallout3 Theme
Prince of Persia Wallpaper x2

Just PES demo for me this week. What's this Fifa stuff about? At a fiver each, considering the game is released tomorrow, stinks of content left out on purpose to rip off gullible fans who buy same game every year syndrome from EA (but i'm not cynical :D)

You left off *and is probably on the disc*

LOL. yeah it's probably more 100k unlock codes you are paying for!! Weird, tbh this Gen EA have produced/published some fantastic titles, yet their DLC pricing/policy is just a steaming pile of ripoff.

In fairness, it does say in the description that there is a code on the back of the manual for one free league.

And yes, with the exception of Burnout Paradise, I would say that EA's pricepoint for DLC is all wrong!

Who reads manuals and download descriptions :D:D

UK PSN UPDATE 09/10/08

avforums said:

Valkyria Chronicles (581 MB)


Linger in Shadows (£1.99)
Super Stardust HD Complete (£6,49)


Buzz! Quiz TV
- Comedy Movies Quiz (£3.49)

Everybody’s Golf World Tour
- Costume Pack A (£3.19)

Mega Man 9
- Endless Attack (£1.99)
- Proto Man Mode (£1.49)

NBA Live 09
- NBA Live 365 (£6.99)
- Oklahoma City Pack (free)

Rock Band
- various songs, 99p each:
♪ Against Me! - “Stop!”
♪ Free - “All Right Now”
♪ George Thorogood and the Destroyers - “Bad to the Bone”
♪ Harvey Danger - “Cream & ******** Rise”
♪ Screaming Trees - “Nearly Lost you”
♪ Static-X - “Push It”

- Red Hot Chili Peppers songs, 99p each:
♪ “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”
♪ “The Power of Equality”
♪ “If You Have to Ask”
♪ “Breaking the Girl”
♪ “Funky Monks”
♪ “Suck My Kiss”
♪ “I Could Have Lied”
♪ “I Stole This List From TSA”
♪ “Mellowship Slinky in B Major”
♪ “The Righteous & The Wicked”
♪ “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”
♪ “Under the Bridge”
♪ “Naked in the Rain”
♪ “Apache Rose Peacock”
♪ “The Greeting Song”
♪ “My Lovely Man”
♪ “Sir Psycho Sexy”

- The Offspring Pack (£2.49 or 99p per song)
♪ “Gone Away”
♪ “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)”
♪ “Self Esteem”

- It Came From Uranus (£1.99)

Super Stardust HD
- Solo + Team Double Pack (£4,49)


Metal Gear Solid 4
- Story Trailer

Mirror’s Edge
- 2D Story Trailer

Need for Speed Undercover
- Trailer

WipEout HD
- Making Of

Power Pack (PSP)
- Trailer

Puzzle Pack (PSP)
- Trailer


WipEout HD - theme (free

Nothing really interesting..

There is a Valkyrie Chronicles demo on UK/EU store and there is also one you get free on USA monthly Qore sub. (It is not available for free on USA store).

Different demos, or are we getting something first/free before USA?

UK/EU Update 16/10/08:

Playable content
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway demo (free)
MotorStorm Pacific Rift demo (free)

Add-on content
Eye of Judgment Biolith Rebellion set 3 (£6.99/€9.99)
Eye of Judgment Biolith Rebellion set 2 & 3 (£10.49/€14.99)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 "Firestone County Club" (£4.99/€7.49)
Rock Band DLC (Listed after the break)

Far Cry 2 "Bara Bara" trailer
Tom Clancy's Endwar announcement trailer
PAIN Amusement Park trailer

Themes and Wallpapers
Killzone 2 theme

Rock Band DLC (£0.99/€1.49 each)
Don't go away Mad (Just go away) - Mötley Crüe
Dr.Feelgood - Mötley Crüe
Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe
Rattlesnake Shake - Mötley Crüe
Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.) - Mötley Crüe
She Goes Down - Mötley Crüe
Slice of Your Pie - Mötley Crüe
Sticky Sweet - Mötley Crüe
Time for Change - Mötley Crüe
Without You - Mötley Crüe
Not turned PS3 on yet so dunno how big the filesizes are.

USA Store just updated.

SOCOM: U.S: Navy Seals Confrontation $39.99

Only new item I can see. Weird.

Edit: My USA Qore account just got e-mailed a Resistance 2 Beta code as have other people in USA. 2gb download.

Last edited:
Yeah R2 beta is 2.2GB i set my DL off before i went to work and put on the power save 2 hour thing so hopefully it will have downloaded it by the time i get home.

I played a bit last night. There is an 8 player online co-op mission in the beta if anyone fancies playing it. Man there was some huge like 30ft guy we had to beat about half way through it, I played with some American guys an it was good fun. Sadly I sold my Bluetooth headset yesterday (gonna get the official one when it comes out).

Hi there rp is your qore account annual or episodic ? Had the august issue for a while and will i have to download it through us store cheers:)

Annual, I don't follow it that much (I signed up the month they gave Motorstorm 2 demo). I don't actually know which episode gave me the R2 beta as that was only e-mailed to me yesterday (USA account's e-mail address) , and I have not even downloaded this month's episode yet.

The downloads only appear in USA account, once the download has started you can log straight back in to UK account and download continues in the Download Management section, you can install and view it on any account. Just starting the download has to be from the account/region the content is on.

So will the peolpe who downloaded qore in single episodes get the beta or do you think it will be for the annual qore peeps, and the pepole who filled in online forum site about 6 weeks ago . Hopefully not long really looking foward to this dont know why never played first one :)

Check your USA account's e-mail, I guess. As far as I know you get same benefits from buying single or annual subs, bar the free Calling All cars game and the price difference.

So will the peolpe who downloaded qore in single episodes get the beta or do you think it will be for the annual qore peeps, and the pepole who filled in online forum site about 6 weeks ago . Hopefully not long really looking foward to this dont know why never played first one :)

playstation blog said:
+ Posted by Greg Phillips // Producer, SCEA
Heya, it’s been a while since I’ve been seen around these parts as James Stevenson, Bryan Intihar and the others at Insomniac have been doing most of the Resistance 2 posting as of late. Along with my return to the blog, I bring a few announcements with regards to R2:
Today, October 16th, the public beta for Resistance 2 will begin in North America. The beta will offer gamers a glimpse at Resistance 2’s online competitive and co-op modes ahead of the game’s launch on November 4th. We will be admitting players in two waves: a Premiere wave which includes those that pre-ordered at GameStop, individuals who subscribed to QORE for one year and/or bought the episode featuring Resistance 2 and a recent contest from GamePro.com. Those of you in the Premiere wave should be receiving an email with a registration code between now and tomorrow afternoon. A second wave is starting in the middle of next week, and you apply to be a part of it by going to beta.myresistance.net once the site goes live (later tonight). For those of you across the pond in Europe, the public beta will also begin next week.
The Beta will include competitive maps from three locations in the game. These maps include 60-, 40-, and 20-player maps from Orick, 40- and 20-player maps from Chicago, and the 10-Player map Sub Docks (Bay Area). New modes Skirmish and Core control will be supported, along with Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. The co-op portion of the beta will focused on Orick, and will support randomization of your play-path. Both co-op and competitive will support matchmaking and class/character progression up to level 10. This will allow unlocking of new equipment, upgrades and berserks for character customization.
Speaking of beta.myresistance.net, the beta version of our new community site goes live tonight as well. Customizable leader boards/user profiles, individual blogs and ‘ticker’ that provides players with up to minute information of happenings on the site are just some of the features the beta site has to offer. Leading into the November 4th North American launch of the game (and the months to follow), we’ll be adding several more features that will make MyResistance.net the destination for all Resistance fans.
And, finally, Resistance 2 has gone gold. As a special treat, the below image gives all of you PlayStation Blog readers an idea on just how big just the online coop campaign mode is

That’s all for now. Keep your eyes open for more R2 announcements as we lead into launch. If you have any questions, write them in the comments sections and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Will get Prince of Persia if it is cheaper on USA store later, might get on UK store if not, but seems pricey for an old game. Novastrike is already on USA store so will see which version is cheapest, £6.29 seems high.

Silly question - if you buy from a different store (is there ever any point from the JPN one?) can you play it as normal in your main account without trouble?

What about add-ons and online play?

ps3ud0 :cool:

You can play from any other accounts on your console, as long as the owner account stays on it. The Japan store has loads more PS1 games than USA and EU put together and some real classics. Also the Hong Kong store has a lot of these and some are in English!

Add-ons have to be bought from the same region as the main content. Online play is universal for all titles on PSN as far as I am aware (some games let you filter servers)

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