Weight loss target: -3.5 stone in 5 months

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this - protein is required to help rebuild/repair your muscles. But as the OP has already pointed out - he's doing it his way by starving himself so I don't think it matters what anyone says.
Just for the first month it doesn't matter what anyone says. I'm doing ADF for science :p

After we see how progress has been like at the end of the 4th week - and I get to weigh myself then - I will be happy to try something different, and compare results.

This first month is sort of my "control" month. I'm doing something I've done before, but doing it properly (with no snacks!), and using it as a benchmark.
@FoxEye I commend anyone taking effort to improve their life but sometimes I think you make these threads out of some kind of desperation for attention.
I think you'll find I make threads for pretty much the same reason everyone else does. Why you have to single me out for criticism I have no idea.

But if people think this thread serves no purpose and is just attention whoring then by all means a mod should close it. Tbh RoboCod I'm getting pretty sick of being the one singled out for criticism on these boards. I'll think twice about posting anything here in future.
Closed by user request.

Good luck with the weight loss, I’ve lost a stone in the last few weeks.
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