Weight loss - Weight bench or exercise bike?

tbh, i wouldnt go near that stuff


that is the bare minimum i can suggest tbh, it will hold its value and will last forever unlike "vinyl" which could only last you a short while.

you will also need matting another £60-100 easy

then a decent bench another £150-200 easy

join a gym, stop looking for a cheap option, cheap options are cheap for a reason.

ebay and 2nd hand from gumtree is worth a shout for olympic gear, but seriously a home gym will only be as good as how much money you throw at it.

But I really am not expecting anything special with the £100 bench I linked, it's just something their to help me further... I'm not after taking this weight training thing to seriously I just want it to help me to get better in shape a long with a suitable diet.

As I said I need a bench anyway even for the basic dumbell exercises I'm doing now, for £100 I just can't see why it wouldn't be a bad investment as I get the bench and the weights.

Would this bodyweight workout be better?

A1 Pistol squats - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A2 Dips - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A3 Chinups - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A4 Pushups - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a handstand pushup
A5 Inverted rows - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A6 Hanging leg raises - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a full hanging V-up
A7 Back extensions - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -eventually, try glute-ham raises
With an attitude like that I can't really help you.

Man yourself up, give them a try, and get moving.

A bench will only help you do bench press, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The workout you just posted is fine, provided you can do all those things safely.

Ok so how would this be.

This workout: (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
A1 Pistol squats - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A2 Dips - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A3 Chinups - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A4 Pushups - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a handstand pushup
A5 Inverted rows - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A6 Hanging leg raises - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a full hanging V-up
A7 Back extensions - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -eventually, try glute-ham raises

And my dumbbell workout on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Would that be doing to much? Should I just stick to the bodyweight workout?

I think you should do the complexes I mentioned :)

I'm getting such a conflict of information, now someone else is telling me to do this:

3 sets of Lunges or bodyweight squats
3 sets of Push ups
3 sets of Pull ups

Every other day along with cardio days inbetween. Just impossible to figure out what's best. -_-
So if I was to get a 50KG barbell set and do complexes, this would help me to lose weight and gain muscle? I've looked at the website you linked Ice but there's a lot to it and confusing, please could you break it down a little bit for me?

Ok guys I'm getting frustrated with all of this now so I just need to stick to ONE routine. The following bodyweight routine, will be changing chinups with begginer chinups following Scoobys youtube video which seems really helpful. Hanging leg raises and inverted rows would be an issue though...

A1 Pistol squats - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A2 Dips - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A3 Chinups - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A4 Pushups - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a handstand pushup
A5 Inverted rows - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A6 Hanging leg raises - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a full hanging V-up
A7 Back extensions - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -eventually, try glute-ham raises

All seems ok? It's to be done 3 days a week..

It seems I'm not dropping weight, but I KNOW I have been eating below 1800 cals. I've stayed the same at 190 since I've been doing it properly for the last 2-3 weeks. Could it be because I've been lifting weights and putting on muscle?

I've decided I'm just going to go back to my basic dumbbell routine but I'm going to incorporate the exercises into 3 days splits instead of every day, then the other 2 days I'll do bodyweight exercises which should also fall into the cardio category.
Diet alone would get you quite far. Eating 1500 calories a day you would still probably lose 2 pounds a week for a few months.

I just get hungry very often, so I have to eat around every 3-4 hours which can be a huge burden on the calories sometimes. I honestly thing 1500 cals a day would push it for me. But I really have been working on getting the frequent meals down in terms of calories.

This is how most of last week looked:

Breakfast - Fruit n Fibre
Lunch - Prawn salad
Dinner - Smoked Haddoc fillet with spinach.
Bowl of cornflakes before bed.
I also had a 70 calorie cereal bar in there somewhere.

Well what'd be a good thing to eat instead before bed then? I really do have to have something because it gets so bad I won't be able to get back asleep with the gnawing hunger.
Thanks, I need to work on the cereal before bed it seems... Just would have to be in my position to realise how horrible it is to wake up with that gnawing hunger feeling and everytime I've had it I really haven't been able to get back to sleep until I've ate. Makes me feel awful.
The fruit n fibre I don't weight. I have about 3/4 of a small bowl though. I wouldn't say it was much.

Prawn salad would usually be a couple of lettuce leaves, a whole tomato
, half a pack of prawns (75 cals) and 4-5 pieces of cucumber.

I don't have anything else with the smoked haddoc and spinach.

I do eat fruit when I get hungry, mainly bananas and apples. Probably have 1 of each a day.
The haddoc is 100cals per fillet. Only small. The reason I purposely eat small meals is so I can have enough room in there for snacks and the bowl of cereal before I go to bed. (Because as I say I do get really hungry)

But I will certainly take on board that I need to eat bigger meals and snack less.

Some simple meal ideas would be greatly appreciated!
That really is all's I've been eating since I started properly (last 2-3 weeks) 1200 cals does seem rather low so it doesn't make sense as I haven't really noticed much of a difference on the scales. :confused:

Thanks for the advice Teliscopi, next time I'm shopping I'm going to look for those pots. One thing I'm worried about though, before I go to work I like feeling nice and full otherwise I'll just get the hunger symptoms only 2-3 hours after eating (Shaking, dizzy etc...)

Would just one of these pots satisfy my hunger for say 4 hours or so?

How about if I had a few eggs with some wholemeal toast for breakfast?

Could be... I had a fasting blood test done not long ago and it came back in the clear. So besides from porridge would the poached eggs with toast be a good breakfast?

Porridge will keep you going 4 hours, yes. If you feel hungry before lunch just have a drink of water.

But as said before it's the spaceyness/dizziness part that I hate about hunger. :/ Water seems to make it worse for me. I guess I can't win and just gotta ride through it.
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