I've only had this happen about twice that i can remember and it was only when thinking about life and existence and the fact it seems almost impossible yet here we are.
After a while of hard thinking i had a really weird experience of seeming to either be on the verge of understanding something but then it got blocked or I hit some sort of paradox which made my brain stop for a second, its hard to explain but it felt very profound and really freaky for about 1 second.
It's not something i find easy to repeat because i can't even understand exactly how i got to that thought in the first place but i know it comes about by thinking about existence and how your here and accept it as normal and yet this is it, your alive and its normal but your trying to think outside the box, this is it your here but where is here and where did it come from etc?
Sorry if that sounds a bit random but its all i can come up with for the way you need to think to get the weird result.
People go about their lives and most of the time don't bother to think about it in much detail but if you do you'll find its actually pretty amazing that you or anything exists at all.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?