Weird glitch while thinking about existence?

Radiation said:
It's not something i find easy to repeat because i can't even understand exactly how i got to that thought in the first place but i know it comes about by thinking about existence and how your here and accept it as normal and yet this is it, your alive and its normal but your trying to think outside the box, this is it your here but where is here and where did it come from etc?

Its because you are a product of existence so can only understand it within the reference of its creation of you.

Also, have you eaten anything past its sell-by date recently?
I was thinking about time and its importance in human kinds basis of science and theory. I was thinking along the lines of:

Time is a name that we have given to our perception of life, which is linear.I was attempting to comprehend why we couldn't think past time and that everything that we as a species have achieved has been based on the lapse of time in some way or another. and as you can see my brain farted and died a death! :o
Right before i write a load of what i would call my brain working over time sorry for the miss spellings etc

Anyway I always think along this string of throught's, if we are here and we are a entity in the universe then why can the entity which we are change or why cant we change what entity we are and what we are doing for instance be somewhere else as something different e.g. be in space looking down.

I have had a very strange experiance thinking about this and can only be explained in the same way as "some sort of glitch" then u cant even think where this came from or how u got there but I remember the end and the start.

glad someone else thinks the same (sort of)

if you want me to explain my frame of thoughts some more it would most likely confuse you or get you thinking too deeply!

Berserker said:
Sounds a little bit like quantum uncertainty or whatever it's called today (i.e. the theory that certain quantum-level elements are only fixed in space when you actually try to observe them).
Possibly you are talking about heisenberg uncertainty principle, or possibly just general quantum probability. When a measurement is made of a quantum mechanical system, the system "collapses" into a specific solution to the quantum wave function where it remains untill you make another observation on a different aspect, eg momentum and position of a particle. The act of measuring one of these properties changes the wavefuction making it impossible to simultaneously measure the other. Its very interesting stuff, but obviously only works observably on a quantum level.
There always was a problem with those MK IV implants; something to do with the power source if I remember corrctly.
Pickers said:
Possibly you are talking about heisenberg uncertainty principle, or possibly just general quantum probability. When a measurement is made of a quantum mechanical system, the system "collapses" into a specific solution to the quantum wave function where it remains untill you make another observation on a different aspect, eg momentum and position of a particle. The act of measuring one of these properties changes the wavefuction making it impossible to simultaneously measure the other. Its very interesting stuff, but obviously only works observably on a quantum level.

Lol may i ask what you work as?
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