Originally posted by 2blue4u
This has been discussed - at great length. Spammers are more than welcome in here - as long as they leave their nasty likkle habits behind
Originally posted by ugh
So if the spammers are welcome here, only if they change there habits, whats the point in the other GD?
Surely if they kill there spam, we dont need 2 GD's ?
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
GD is of a more casual nature, sir. Spam as such wouldn't be tolerated here, if considered to be spam. A much heavier hand will be taken here.
Originally posted by afraser2k
Because the "spammers" would not tolerate such an action and would degenerate every other section into a spam-fest.
Originally posted by ugh
So GD Zone is just for spam then?
But what is spam?Originally posted by ugh
So GD Zone is just for spam then?
Originally posted by Bod
Good, hearty, relaxed chatsies is the order of the day people
I'd certainly hope there will continue to be scope for a light-hearted element in here.Originally posted by kaiowas
...... Although I don't consider this particularly spammy I'd like to just check whether this sort of lightheartedness be allowed to continue in here or should I go and play with the kids?
Originally posted by eidolon
This is exactly what OCUK needed and I personally think it'll work well.
Originally posted by kaiowas
Wasn't it decreed a while ago that this is a forum, and that there was a perfectly good IRC channel for 'chatsies'?
Also I have a habit of posting witty (possibly susbject to opinion ) one line comments which may or may not be off on a tangent whenever I pick up on things said by other members. Although I don't consider this particularly spammy I'd like to just check whether this sort of lightheartedness be allowed to continue in here or should I go and play with the kids?
Originally posted by Keith
But what is spam?
If this forum is going to be run the way I understood it to be, it is for the kind of chat that interests more mature members. That's not to say that the kind of chat that interests younger members is spam and therefore worthy of deletion, but simply that what interests the older members is different from what interests the younger members.
Older members like music, but you're not likely to find them them in the same nightclub as teenagers. Tastes are different!
As I understand it, therefore, this forum will see less of threads like :-
....... and so on.
- What mobile phone should I buy? Older members are more likely to buy what THEY want than what everybody else thinks they should.
- Teenage angst. What should I do about my boy/girl friend. I'm sure it's important to those concerned, but, oh yeuch!.
- What Uni/what Uni course should I pick? As if anyone else would know?
- XYZ stating on TV now!!! Surely, we can all read a TV guide?
I'm hoping that the way this pans out is that this forum (don't like the name, by the way) is that content is separated accoording to target age group - a bit like many radio stations. There's nothing to stop anyone of any age listening to a given station, but the content might not appeal to them.
It also hopefully means that the pace will slow down a bit in each forum, and that the threads that interest the older members (who are a minority but a significantly sized minority) will no longer whizz down the first page list at the speed of light to disappear into obscurity.
For me, this forum is great timing. I only came back here because of the debate about GD2,and had decided last night that as nothing was happening, I wouldn't bother coming back any more. Now, I'll hang around long enough to see if this forum succeeds or not.
Originally posted by Élynduil
Will "hear, hear" posts or ones where the poster quotes but says nothing or just says they agree be deleted? I find those contribute nothing and are just a way to up postcount, same people do that allot of the time.
Originally posted by Élynduil
Will "hear, hear" posts or ones where the poster quotes but says nothing or just says they agree be deleted? I find those contribute nothing and are just a way to up postcount, same people do that allot of the time.