Well looky here at this little fella! {big pic warning}

Mucky Pup said:
I don't know what it is. But I do know it is going to wait until you are asleep then crawl into your ear and eat your brain.

The "Wrath of Kahn" gave me a new fear that will be with me my whole life when I was a child.

Sepheh said:
The little fella has gone and I will never see him again!

Glad you made it through the night. Although I doubt it is gone, It is probably eating your brain right now.

How is your memory?
Zildjian said:
Glad you made it through the night. Although I doubt it is gone, It is probably eating your brain right now.

How is your memory?

My memory is bad anyway :confused:

The little fella was pretty amazing, pretty well camoflagued, i just have ninja skills and good vision apparently! Thanks for whoever told me which moth it was!
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