Well, what can I say?

One thing that boils my blood is people misusing/misunderstanding roundabouts!

My wife always moans about this too every time she gets cut up by some nincompoop who doesn't know what lane they should be in.

It's not as if roundabouts are a difficult concept to grasp, unless you are a complete moron. Sadly, I suspect that may encompass a fair proportion of the driving population.
Fingers crossed you recover fully and swiftly.
And the idiot who hit you gets a good hard slap too.

Here's a question for you (and I know you can't type much), but if the driver of the Galaxy asked to see you, would you agree to it?
Sorry to hear about the crash, certainly go after the compo as these inuries will affect your life for a while to come yet. I'm in the same boat with a broken leg after stacking my bike, GWS!
get well soon mate, I know that roundabout too, I've actually watched people go round it too fast/in the wrong lane and end up in the barrier that protects the footpath by the traffic lights.

It seems people just don't know how to use that roundabout or there are a lot more rubbish drivers in that area :o
Christ :eek:

Hope you have a speedy recovery mate :)

I'm another one who could never get a bike. I know for a fact that approximately 29 seconds after getting on anything more powerfull than a 50cc chicken chaser I would end up as a big bloody mess of body parts and bone fragments posted on the Ogrish forums :(
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Have the best of recovery! Don't try walking; my brother, being stubborn and walking on a leg in cast, now has to go back to hosp to have the cast fixed - a lot of hassle.
Punctured left lung and all they are bothered about is a breath test!

Surely a blood sample would have been easier/safer!:eek:

Thats exactly what i thought, the PC shouldn't have taken a breath test and the ambulance crew shouldn't have allowed him to take one either.
I had a crash a good few years ago and the Police man came to hospital to do a breath test but ended up putting on his paper work that it was negative (which it would have been anyway) as he would have to wait for a doctor to check me over to make sure there was no damage to my chest/lungs.
I don't know if things have changed since then but im amazed he gave you a breath test.
Thank you all for the comments, they are appreciated.

I cannot wait to get back on a bike, this will not change how I feel; sure the injuries may affect how I ride, but it won’t keep me off.

I have heard from an 'internal police source' ;) that it was very unorthodox for them to breathalyse me like that; it should have been done at the hospital by blood test, so god knows why they did it.

To answer the question as to whether I would meet the driver - sure, I don't feel any hatred; I would just like to know what the hell he was thinking.

As for walking, I was told it could deform my pelvis, however, I can walk with the aid of a crutch, so it's not too bad, just hard work :P

Oh man, I'm truly gutted for you :(

All the best with the recovery. Is the bike a write off? If so, what are you thinking of getting next? :)
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Glad your not too seriously hurt.

Fractured left collar bone
Punctured left lung
Two cracks to the left of my pelvis
Snapped left forearm

I would say that equates to being seriously hurt. In terms of PIA that would count as a serious injury. Ok so Scort is able to post on here but that is a nasty set of injuries which I imagine will require a fairly lengthy recovery period to get to 100%

Glad to know you're still with us though.

Puts me off having a bike, things like this.
Christ, glad it's not worse fella, at least your legs are staying attached.

Do keep us all updated how you get on, and of course if the police charge the fool with dangerous driving, what with him not driving within the law, and his driving being dangerous.
I'm relieved you've got witnesses, should help things along. Makes a change for that many people to actually stop!

An yes, as soon as they say "ok fine, get back on the death machine you fool" get right back on! I always worry on roundabouts, especially as people (if we use your roundabout) in the left lane often seem to cut the other lane (the one you were in).

God damn it, I'm annoyed with idiots now.
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