In reality before this game he told the paying Arsenal fans who bring in 100-150million directly to the club through their own money, that he was going to give Diaby another contract if he can prove his fitness(which is apparently training with the first team and being available for 1 or 2 games). An average Arsenal fan paying £50-80 a ticket, making probably less than 35k a year on average being told that after paying out at least 15million to Diaby already, that he wants to give him a new contract to not play because it's not his fault someone tackled him like what 6-7 years ago.
Personally I think twice in recent months telling the fans you actively intend to urinate their money down the drain on a millionaire player everyone, literally everyone, on planet earth except Wenger is capable of seeing will contribute absolutely nothing to the team, is disgusting.
Wenger has entirely brought this on himself, promises the world and delivers nothing, consistently criticises the fans, pundits everyone who tells him quite plainly what is wrong then we get spanked and he says after a game "I don't know what went wrong", days after telling people, who told him precisely (and accurately) what the problems were, to shut up.
Telling him to leave while he throws their money away on worthless players is hardly disgusting, did you hear them telling Campbell to get out while he could? Fans have seen him play, know he's decent and that Wenger is not giving him a chance(like multiple others). they feel sorry for Campbell as it's one in a long list of players Wenger has done this with. Every problem is now 8 years old with the idiot in charge telling the fans they don't know what they are talking about while for at least 8 years Wenger hasn't fixed a single problem or changed a single thing that causes us to lose such games.