Were any of you ever in the Beaver, Cubs or Scouts?

5 Apr 2006
Yeah thinking back to Friday evening where I was forced to get out and make friends and got shoved into the club which was actually held in my Primary school gym ffs. It was ok I suppose but all I can remember doing was the stupid uniform inspection then playing indoor football till I was able to go home again.
On Tuesdays we would go swimming at the local College, and it was always freezing.
but I got a bag of chips on the way home which was good.
Was there all the way through to scouts and then a young leader as part of d of e. Helped that my local one had a more lax attitude to things and we did some genuinely fun stuff. One good example, when I was a young leader we found we had a broken tent beyond repair so set up a 'fire safety' exercise to demonstrate how quickly it could take hold. Educational as well as interesting.
Cub in 1962, scouts from '65 then venture scout until 1970. Enjoyed all the social and outdoor activities. Camping, walking, travel etc.
I did all 3:
-Beavers I remember little of apart from jumble sales.
-Cubs was OK but our pack never went camping, I don't think the leader wanted to do it for some reason. Did a bunch of badges.
-Air Scouts I dropped out of after about a year(?), didn't really enjoy that. I wasn't prepared for a camping trip having never done it in cubs, got bullied by an older lad in our patrol. I got pretty homesick, my mum had died earlier in the year, was generally not a great time of life. Again cubs was very 'sheltered' by comparison, Air Scouts I remember we went out in small groups at night in theory to follow some nature quest, but it was just messing about in a playpark that was I wasn't expected. Then another time when out and about there were some much older teenagers who cornered us with the back to a river, started throwing stones while we ducked for cover, then moved in saying they would chuck us in the river and we had to sprint like hell to get past them. I think the final straw for me was when we were preparing for some sort of parade, they brought in an ex-military drill sergeant(?) who was an absolute ****, really bullying people for the slightest indescretion or mistake, one of my friends quit after being repeatedly singled out, I think I lasted a few more weeks. We did do the odd interesting thing like getting to sit in cockpits and stuff but overall it was a pretty terrible experience.
I loved the jumble sales getting all the cheap The Broons and Oor wullie books
Yeah I remember going to St Andrews with the Scouts, the mini bus crashed on the way there and were were all taken in to someones house for a bit. I lost track of time there and didn't know what day it was and was really unhappy as there was no real structure, I don't really know it was so long ago lol.
I did Cubs, went camping in Sussex somewhere. I remember because I was there the same day as England lost to Italy in the italia 90 third place playoff.
I remember being in the scouts as a kid, my mother crying went I went away for a weekend camping, and my mum and dad meeting the coach when the troop returned, my mum making a fuss as if I’d just come back from deployment to Afghanistan.
Beavers - don't really remember much of other than doing pieces of art and some other kid covering himself in glue.
Cubs - went along and the session normally consisted of running round a church hall for a bit, occasionally played French cricket in the nearby park when the weather was good. Our group never went camping or built fires or did any of the cool stuff you hear about so I got bored and stopped going after a while - saved my parents £1 a session or however much it was.

My sister did Brownies and Rainbows, and if anything that sounded worse because they didn't even get to play French cricket :p. Although at the time I was very indignant that girls could join beavers and cubs but boys couldn't join brownies and rainbows (not that I wanted to of course, it's the principle that counts! [/Life of Brian guy sat in the amphitheatre]).

I'm now friends with someone (from a different part of the country) who had a very different experience with the organisation, stayed on with Scouts and did lots of walking and camping trips etc, been to various international jamborees too which sound like great fun.
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Did Cubs.

Don't really remember what we did in the village hall evenings but remember all the camping trips and visits etc.

I was quite a shy kid, never was hugely thrilled with it but got on OK.
Was in scouts. Joined for a mate who ended up dropping it and I continued. Good way to meet kids from other schools. Went camping a few times. Learnt knots, car maintenance, first aid, good stuff. Led one of the teams (patrol?). I always recommend it when ppl ask.
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