I did all 3:
-Beavers I remember little of apart from jumble sales.
-Cubs was OK but our pack never went camping, I don't think the leader wanted to do it for some reason. Did a bunch of badges.
-Air Scouts I dropped out of after about a year(?), didn't really enjoy that. I wasn't prepared for a camping trip having never done it in cubs, got bullied by an older lad in our patrol. I got pretty homesick, my mum had died earlier in the year, was generally not a great time of life. Again cubs was very 'sheltered' by comparison, Air Scouts I remember we went out in small groups at night in theory to follow some nature quest, but it was just messing about in a playpark that was I wasn't expected. Then another time when out and about there were some much older teenagers who cornered us with the back to a river, started throwing stones while we ducked for cover, then moved in saying they would chuck us in the river and we had to sprint like hell to get past them. I think the final straw for me was when we were preparing for some sort of parade, they brought in an ex-military drill sergeant(?) who was an absolute ****, really bullying people for the slightest indescretion or mistake, one of my friends quit after being repeatedly singled out, I think I lasted a few more weeks. We did do the odd interesting thing like getting to sit in cockpits and stuff but overall it was a pretty terrible experience.