I was into Beavers from a young age and not much has changed.
I did Air Cadets and would genuinely recommend it to this day.
Getting to learn and fly planes and gliders (and do aerobatics if you were brave enough), week camps abroad and in the Uk, shooting training and competitions and all the other usual stuff like sports etc at either the MOD's expense or at least very very subsidised.
Some of my best experiences and really helped me when going through a pretty difficult time.
Add in beavers and it makes up for poor component prices.Water sports and sea men, why does that sound so wrong?
What happens if you don't like beavers?
Did all three. Moved Scout troops as the one I was in was way too serious. Found the new one to be the same; uniform inspections, having to stand correctly, address people formally, rehearse for parades, etc. I just wanted to learn stuff, go camping, etc. and had no interest in the pseudo-military nonsense. So I left at 14 or 15 I think.
Beavers was good.
Loved Cubs - Still have the jumper!
Hated Scouts.
far too much of the parade/perfect uniform/being shouted at because one of your laces was 2mm longer than the other etc., so I left.
to this day i am incapable of doing anything other than a proper windsor knot when i'm wearing a tie.
which i suppose was probably the intended outcome of all that polish.
what's worse is when you'd spent the weekend polishing your shoes to perfection and some [redacted] stamps on the toe......
Although at the time I was very indignant that girls could join beavers and cubs but boys couldn't join brownies and rainbows (not that I wanted to of course, it's the principle that counts! [/Life of Brian guy sat in the amphitheatre]).