What are the most popular threads ever on this forum?

The question is, "What are the most popular threads ever on this forum?" And the answer is simply the threads with the most views followed by the threads with the most replies, and I suppose any thread that makes the top 10 in both categories will have the edge.

Suggesting threads that you think should be the most popular is really answering a different question.
Aside from all the usual banter threads, let’s not forget the one where someone out of nowhere revealed he played pc games with his chin… and it got so much publicity that the game developers created a patch say he could play a game properly. Got OCUK forums on major news websites iirc!

Can’t seem to find it now though… someone else can link to it I’m sure :)

Ah yeah I remember that one! A lot of them you just forget about until someone brings them up.
Look in GD Archive for some crackers, one of the random image threads had 9 million views!

Wasn't there one about someone's phone getting stolen and the OcUK detectives found him

Anything by twoblacklines (86JR) purely for the megalolz of him being a bit of a numpty.

You beat me to that one, the poster who was able to screw with the thief and post photos of him (and his mole) due to having Cerberus on his phone. That one also made the papers if I recall correctly.

ahhh 2BL's confessions on TeamSpeak and the OcUK battlefield hacking software drama.
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