bought just cause 2 yesterday for 13 quid. so just started playing that yesterday. the island is absolutely HUGE. seriously. getting to any destination thats over 5km in a car takes forever (i know you can be transported by the blackmarket, but then you miss out on the sights!). i love offroading on the 2stroke scrambler though after a couple of hiccups hitting trees and the bike just exploding on me etc i got the hang of it
Still racing on Forza 3
Starting to get somewhere on Red Dead
Pretending I am playing the Avatar game the wife bought me!
360 3RROD currently so role on friday
Currently playing through Heavy Rain again to see all the different endings. Seems like the one I got the first time I completed it was the least exciting one.
got nothing new at the moment so been playing through battlefield 2 bad company again at the moment. will probably move onto dragon age next to last me til gran turismo 5 or something
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