What are YOU currently playing?

Picked up Singularity for cheap from a second hand box today - absolutely fantastic game. It slipped off my radar when it came out, and oh my god I would have been gutted if I missed this, plot is complex and compelling, standard weapons are ok, but the use of the "TMD" takes this game to a whole new level of awesome in my eyes. Thumbs all, big time!
Finally got round to playing Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time. Had it since Christmas but my resub to WoW pushed console gaming to the side again. Great game, love the series on PS3.

I'm also looking at having another crack at my import edition of Demon's Souls as I wasn't able to shift it before it became available in Europe :(
Currently playing the new Splinter Cell and although I've never got into the others this one is awesome. Bit more Graw/R6 rolled into one.

The story is pap but the later level gameplay is excellent.
Just finally bothered to finish Metro 2033 which was surprisingly good despite being a little flawed in some aspects. I've not moved on to Alan Wake which has already caused me to jump and I've not even properly got in to the story yet. :(
I've been playing toy story 3, don't get this game it's more addictive than crack. I had to give the disc to my mrs and say post it now before I break. It was eating away at me like no game since viva pinata. You don't know why you like it, you don't know why you're wasting your time playing it but before you know it 4 hours are gone.

Main game is about 6 hours long. Toy box game I reckon would take another 20 hours. Not really a kids game there are vast sections I couldn't see an under 10 finishing.
Just finished up Singularity. Really enjoyed that game shame it didn't get more press because it deserves to sell a lot.

Playing Deathspank and Limbo a bit now. Tried a bit of Crackdown 2 but it's not hooked me as much as the first one did.

Tempted to go back to Oblivion as I've never played it properly and I loved Fallout 3.
I'm addicted to Bad Company 2 online at the minute on the 360! I'm not starting a flame war but in my opinion it's a lot better than MW2!

Also playing Killzone 2 on the PS3 which is a pretty decent game!
I'm addicted to Bad Company 2 online at the minute on the 360! I'm not starting a flame war but in my opinion it's a lot better than MW2!

*Equips flamethrower*

Playing through Dragon Age and the expansion again, with the occasional MW2 session.
Demon's Souls! Really enjoying it, wasn't too sure when i picked it up but already put in 40 hours and had it less than a week...anyone else love this game?!
Demon's Souls! Really enjoying it, wasn't too sure when i picked it up but already put in 40 hours and had it less than a week...anyone else love this game?!

Ive come so close to buying this on so many occasions. Gameplay sounds fun but it looks a bit iffy when i see it played
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