What are YOU currently playing?

Still slogging at Metroid: Other M. The controls are shockingly poor. The Wii gets enough flak for only having one analog stick, so why you would decide to forgo that for a shooter is an utter mystery. The level design is also utterly uninspired, and the landscape isn't right at all. There's no exploration or backtracking so there's no feeling of getting the most out of the environment. They've basically succeeded in turning the one shooter I love into every shooter I hate.
Still slogging at Metroid: Other M. The controls are shockingly poor. The Wii gets enough flak for only having one analog stick, so why you would decide to forgo that for a shooter is an utter mystery. The level design is also utterly uninspired, and the landscape isn't right at all. There's no exploration or backtracking so there's no feeling of getting the most out of the environment. They've basically succeeded in turning the one shooter I love into every shooter I hate.

As a game itself it's not bad, but as a Metroid game, it is easily the weakest in the series and a big step back from the Prime trilogy.

The thing I found most odd about Other M is that I finished it without even trying, nor expecting it... took about 8hrs, which in a Prime game you would be about half way and just getting going with a bunch of cool stuff... in Other M however the reason why it came as such a shock is that you don't even have all your upgrades when it does come to an end... so I was kind of WTF!

I think I finished the game with about 32% of items... which is just ridiculous!

Also you will weep at the final 'battle' as it is pretty much non-existent... :rolleyes:

There is about an hour or so's extra play time after the credits to finish off the story fully.

And then of course you can backtrack for all the items, which again is super easy. I think I had done absolutely everything the game had to offer in under 12hrs. :(

They really need to get Retro Studio's back for the next one.

Also, I wish they'd just pick a camera angle, either make it fps like prime, or make it side scrolling like Super/Fusion. Having to stop and aim at stuff got really annoying. As did the 'search the screen for the random thing bits'.

In fact, the more I think about the game the more I realise is wrong with it. :(

Oh yeah, and another thing... the reason for not using all your cool stuff. Fair enough in previous games where you lost it after a big fight and a suit malfunction, or you get attacked by an alien parasite, or whatever. But not using your upgrades because of 'orders'?! :rolleyes:

Oh look an area full of killer magma... I'll risk my life running through the area and taking critical damage every time I get even slightly near the seering heat... OR I could just turn on my Varia suit!... Oh wait, I can't because i've been ordered not to. :( Risking my life it is. /facepalm
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (360, PS3 version is another one of those bad ports the system knows all too well)

Shame great little games like this don't sell well as opposed to unimaginative behemoths like Halo and Call of Duty.
PS3: Heavy Rain, Rockband3, Blazblue CS, Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow
( mostly RB3 atm tho :D drums + guitar )

PC: League Of Legends, Counterstrike Source, HL2 EP1, HL2 EP2

Still not completed Assassin's Creed on the PS3 but not played it since getting Rockband3
ps3: black ops

only just picked this up again , been off the ps3 for weeks until yesterday as i seem to get bored of games very quick and theres nothing around that interests me much yet apart from maybe fallout new vegas that i might get soon
I've been playing mainly NFS Hot Pursuit. Pretty bored of it now though and the rental service from Lovefilm is just a joke. From now on I'm just going to buy games.
Vanquish - Single player
Gears of War 2 - Co-Op (campaign again)
Battlefield Bad Company - Multiplayer

Really liking Vanquish, other than the non-intuitive controls.
I've got fed up with Other M, so that's going back to lovefilm. I'm having another got at Halo 3, as I've been given a copy of Reach, so I'd like to get Halo 3 done first. I don't really like shooters on the console, as I can't get to grips with aiming. That being said, I actually quite enjoyed the mission I did last night - number 4, with the anti air guns and the scarab tank.
I've got fed up with Other M, so that's going back to lovefilm. I'm having another got at Halo 3, as I've been given a copy of Reach, so I'd like to get Halo 3 done first. I don't really like shooters on the console, as I can't get to grips with aiming. That being said, I actually quite enjoyed the mission I did last night - number 4, with the anti air guns and the scarab tank.

Reach is a FAR better game than HALO3, just in case you get bored of H3.
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