What are YOU currently playing?

Busy with my first run through of mass effect 2, Loving it. I skipped the 1st, Think I might have to give it a go.
Just installed the first chapter of MGS4, I know if I start playing this I won't stop until I've completed it again, and I've still got Killzone 3 to complete so I think I might go back to KZ3 until that's done and then I can confine it to it's case where it will probably never be opened again. Rubbish game.

Apparently it has been worked on for over a year... :o

This on the other hand: Rugby Challenge :) I have high hopes for

Gonna check that out definitely, but I was very unimpressed with the official game. It looks like they took Rugby 08, wrote a different number on the box and then passed it off as a brand new game. It looks terrible and it plays exactly the same as a 4 year old Playstation 2 game which is just shocking imo!
I'm currently playing -
Gran Turismo 5
Mortal Kombat 9
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
And wishing my computer wasnt broke so i could play so Team Fortress 2.
Status change to playing nothing atm, Just finished mass effect 2, Looking forward to the 3rd.

hhmmm what to play now. Nothing seems to be of interest at the moment, Waiting for new ass creed and uncharted.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow, picked it up for a great price and really enjoying it.

Was playing Darksiders before and just couldn't quite get into it (despite putting in over 10 hours) but might return to that another time.
Anyone tried the Driver: San Francisco Demo yet?

Downloaded it today, it feels like a game made for 10 year olds with abysmal, corny dialogue and weird gameplay mechanics. It's basically a cross breed between Burnout: Paradise and Need For Speed but done really, really badly. The pedestrians auto-move when you drive on the pavements (a-la LA Noire), the only redeeming thing about it was the graphics. It looks pretty.

On a lighter note, completed Dead Space, loved it and i'm about to start the 'Impossible' playthrough.

just finished Uncharted 2 - wow, immense game!

now playing Burnout Paradise (360) and Fifa 11 (360) I think Burnout Paradise is in my top 10 games of all time.
Lost Odyssey - I'm right near the end butam going for 100%...!

Just finishing off games in my collection before the games deluge comes in the Autumn. :)
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