What are YOU currently playing?

Apollo Justice. Half way through Case 2 at the minute. Played through the first Phoenix Wright years ago but relied on a guide too much, recently went back and played through the second and third trying not to use a guide unless really needed and it's turned out to be one of my favourite game series.
Picked up a few achievements in Geometry Wars 2 Retro Evolved... Some of the rest look insanely hard. Good game.

I've found myself going back to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. I'd lost my save in The Great Hard Disk Format Fudge Up of July, so I didn't think I'd go back to it, as it would be such a slog to get back to a level from which I could get the rest of the achievements... However, playing it now, it turns out that it's just too much fun to not go through it again.
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Xenoblade Chronicles - loving it, makes me glad I held on to the Wii (despite not using it for over a year). Best J-RPG in ages, if it had Final Fantasy's graphics then it'd be GOTY, even so I am enjoying it more than I enjoyed Deus Ex/Witcher 2 (on PC).
Deus Ex: HR... definitely going to buy Xenoblade Chronicles next though, I hadn't heard about it until reading this thread (I'd given up waiting for a decent Wii game :p)
Main game: None
Co-Op gaming couple of times a week with partner: Dead Island
Competative gaming couple of times a week with friends: Starcraft II
Messing about with friends online: Minecraft

The latter 3 I don't put a whole lot of time in per week. I usually have a main game I play by myself but i'm starving myself because come October 7th every other game is getting dropped completely for Dark Souls!!!
Back to Final Fantasy XIII following the release date announcement for XIII-2. I was planning on starting FFVI on (US) PSP following the PSN announcement on Monday but alas that was a mistake, so I bought FFIX instead which I only ever played 25 minutes of despite owning it on (US) PSone since launch day!
Been playing NFS: Hot Pursuit again, trying to get back to where I was after losing my save games. It's absolutely brilliant. The sense of speed is incredible, and it looks stunning. Incredible game.
Diddy Kong Racing.

currently reliving my youth.

Just bought the following for the Gamecube too.

Super Smash Bros Melee
Soul Calibur 2
Super Monkey Ball 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Eternal Darkness
Battalion Wars
Beyond Good and Evil
Rogue Leader

and Mass Effect 2 for the 360

Mrs Leghorn is really impressed, possiby :D
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