What are YOU currently playing?

Even though I've done it a hundred times on PC I nabbed The Orange Box from the Xbox sale yesterday for £4.50 and then proceeded to play Portal for about 2hrs straight :D Think I'll work my way through the HL2 games again over the weekend.
just finished sleeping dogs, really enjoyed it, much better than GTA

I played about twenty minutes and gave up. Controls felt horrible.

Starting Final Fantasy VII again this weekend, so long as my hayfever kicks in as expected. If by some miracle it doesn't, I won't be playing any games! Not if the weather is as good as forecast. :eek:
Sleeping dogs - Better than I thought, ideal to chill out to and beat the **** out of people.

AC3 - Not convinced, didn't like the others, no idea why I bought this lol.

Fifa 13 - Career mode. Enjoying as ever.

BF3 - Multiplayer and coop, Great fun.
I'm on a quest to reduce my collection to pretty much nothing in prep for next gen, however I'm currently playing;

Tales of Vesperia, Gow Judgement - x360
Uncharted 2, Demon souls - Ps3
Retro city rampage, SFXT - Vita
Animal crossing new leaf, Fire Emblem, monster hunter - 3DS
Borderlands 2, defiance - PC

I'm all over the place. :\
I've just started this on the PS3 in HD guise, christ it's not easy going at the start is it! Got mauled in the graveyard, mauled in the outhouse bit. Lol.

I'd say Code Veronica is definitely one of the harder RE games. Died quite a few times and it took me 9 or so hours to beat whereas RE2 which I just finished playing took me 3 hours to beat and didn't die at all. If you want to conserve ammo definitely look at using the knife for the earlier enemies. Two strikes to both legs takes them down and then they're down for you to slash away at.
OK just completed Demon's Souls this morning (54 hours). wow really amazing stuff and pretty demanding early on. I've decided to NG+ it immediately as I haven't had enough of it yet!

Then on to Dark Souls!
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