What are YOU currently playing?

Got so much im trying to work on atm but just done last of us, thinking about demon souls again but having not done very well before im not so sure, does it get any better after the first level? lol (the castle place)

Also, if anyone figures out how to start infamous for a 2nd playthrough but keep it on the same save file, let me know (or doesnt it matter, ie. itll still count for trophies etc on 2 save files?)
Infamous 2. Just completed infamous 1 this morning dunno why Iv not completed this games before as I got 1 when the psn got hacked and 2 with ps+

Got a few games I want to complete before the ps4 is out
Not actively playing any particular title atm though I usually just end up playing AoE but I have at least 15 PS3 games I would like to finish (will never be able to complete GT5 though, I'm too ****) and a few more on PC. Would also like to complete Uncharted GA but I can never really be bothered with the PSV tbh
Recently finished Bioshock Infinite so now I've started Hitman Absolution (on PC though).

On console, I re-bought Red Dead Redemption as I never finished it. Unfortunately my save game is on a hard drive in my Mum's attic back in the UK, so I've had to start over again :(
Almost finished Bioshock Infinite, which I'm enjoying quite a bit.

I've got a fair few other games queued up to play as well.

Dishonored, Just Cause 2, Battlefield 3 campaign (I only played it online when it came out but sold it on) plus a ton of stuff off PS+ since I signed up in May.

Plus I'm slowing working my way through Ni No Kuni.

Not enough hours in the day.
Still playing Animal Crossing and have started a new game of Fallout New Vegas on the PS3.

Game is so buggy. My VATS keeps playing up, almost not bothering using VATS at all. Contemplating buying a cheap 360 and playing it on that instead.
I am still playing through Demon's souls on/off, but mainly I am finally playing through Metal Gear Solid 4...Stunning! I wish I had bought s PS3 years ago!...It is the only Metal Gear I have never played(including those naff cardgame ones on the PSP!).
Hmm I have MGS4 but never played it. Might have to get into it.

Currently Kingdoms of Amular. A bit meh so far and the voice acting is terrible. I'll go into the story a bit more to see if it gets better. PS+ anyway so I'm not too bothered if it doesn't improve.

I've gone into NG+ on Demon's Souls. Done quite a few bosses already and I'm currently SL 100. I dunno if I cba to do it all again though! I might just PvP for a while.
Currently playing

Ni No Kuni (just before ship)

Story v good, graphics vv good but combat is a bit meh...

Fifa12 and BF3 (though i get rage all the time at BF3 and the "hackers" haha)

And occasionally Mass Effect 2 and Alpha Protocol (got about 3/4 into it but never finished it last time)

Also do a replay of Planescape and VTM:B and any other epic oldie games on this ancient pc im using.
Recently finished The last of us but going to start a new game+
Also been playing Spartacus Legends (free to play) on my US account which was an ok distraction. Was nice using Crixus to kick Spartacus's arse on the last primus battle :)
I didn't really feel compelled to spend anything on the microtransactions though, I made enough gold for my needs just levelling up.
X360 State of Decay
PS3 Wipeout & Saints Row 3
PSV Wipeout 2048

Got so much backlog to get through and PS+ just keeps adding to it. Y
I am actually really annoyed with myself fro not playing Metal Gear earlier!.. It probably helps that I played through the HD pack this year. Nothing does epic quite like Metal Gear!
Just picked up Earthbound off the eshop to see what all the fuss was about.
Firt time playing it and so far really enjoying it, love to dialog and the setting is a nice change for an RPG.
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