What are YOU currently playing?

Just started Dead Space 3. Even though I'm doing an easy play through it still seems quite tough or the starting weapons have low power.

I have to play a level then have a break because I keep soiling myself. The sounds in this game like the first particularly scare the crap out of me :(
Tales of Xillia

Like the battle system and mechanics of the game but the characters are horrific as expected from a JRPG and ther story seems cliche and pointless. Also just ran into the usual comic relief little 12 year old girl character with unbearably high pitches voice - this is where I usually reach my limit with a JRPG these days!!

I'll give it a few more hours - but this time I'll put music on so I can ignore all the horrible sounds and voices and just enjoy the gameplay
Up until the 20th quite a bit of Titanfall.

Now... This will be easier as a list I think :p


Forza 5
Lego Marvel - Completed on my wifes account but I want the achievements dammit!


Knack - Trying to bring myself to complete this but some of the segments are just a pain to get past. It's a shame as the game is relatively solid for the most part.


Metro: Last Light - Rage quit on a section where there are waves of enemies whilst you have to wait for the boat. I hate this sort of gameplay mechanic, especially when I have been doing quite well stealthing my way through the game to this point.


Fur Fighters
Shenmue I (again)

There are other games I am playing, but these are the only ones I am playing "properly".
Going to possibly be without internet over the weekend but fortunately I have a few indie offline titles as well as others to keep me busy. Likely to be killing time with;

Game Dev Tycoon
Civ 5
Farcry 3
GTA 5 (still yet to finish the story =\ )

Quite a few management games in there :D
I just finished AC4: Black Flag last night on PS4. Great game, though the ending came too abrupt for my liking. Still plenty to do in it though, if I can be bothered. Also playing and loving NBA 2K14 on the XB1. MyCareer is such good fun, even with its slightly cheesy storylines and questionable game scripting from time to time (forcing you to miss shots for example). Now AC4 is done I may head back to Ryse to finish that off as I got about halfway before stopping.
Switching between AC4 and Resogun on the PS4, never gave Resogun much playtime at first due to playing KZ:SF and Mario 3DW, but now can't stop playing it.

Just embarrassing myself with crap skills in Veteran mode getting to the 4th world then losing all my lives, rage quitting then trying again 5 mins later, I should really just use a bloody continue and stop trying to do it in one go.
Currently playing:

PS3 - replaying the Uncharted series again, just started the third, also picked up Beyond Two Souls (incredible game!) so playing that, and I did start to replay Heavy Rain. Still have to finish Tomb Raider and a whole host of other games if/when I can be bothered.

360 - Skyrim is always ongoing here :D But I purchased Far Cry 3 again, so have been playing a bit of that, fair few games on 360 I wouldn't mind replaying. I also have Crysis 3 ongoing...

PS4 - Battlefield 4 mainly, as I finished Black Flag (though I'm at less than 70% complete - not sure I can be bothered to go around collecting stuff), though I did pick up Killzone at the weekend - looks pretty, but the AI is rubbish, so I'm almost convinced this is going to be a 'meh' game. Bit of Outlast.... that's about it really.

Keeping me busy.
Started GTA 5 on the 360 over the weekend and so far I'm pleasantly surprised as I really didn't click with 4; this one just seems much more fun in comparison!

Finishing off Lego Marvel on the PS4, story mode is done so now I'm just doing all the collectibles and side-missions. Also still have to return to AC4 as I've been side-tracked from it and still haven't finished the story.
PS4 AC IV game at 89% just have the dlc and online to go ... Then most prob start Lego Marvel on the PS4 as I got that in the deal or buy Tomb Raider as it's a long time since I played a TR or buy Thief.

PS3 GTA 5 only just started not looking forward to online as you get low rp now ... Was playing on 360 till that died (think that made it 6-7 360) bloody expensive hobby supporting the 360 ....
Ps4 - battlefield 4
- rayman legends

Rayman is a seriously good game and can be had for less than 25 quid. Really enjoying it! The artwork is incredible. Game play is top notch too, for a platformer!
well i have a xbox one sitting under my tv with forza,bf4,cod,dr3 and fifa and ryse have a dabble in all of them now and then

but for some unknown reason i keep finding myself being drawn to playing hearthstone , never played that type of game before and love it lol
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