When you say complete, do you actually mean complete ie 100%/all of the tropihies ??
No, I mean playing through it to the credits like a normal game.
I remember when demos were free...Phantom Pain will be absolutely incredible, just a shame they have tried to exploit it like this, and very sad that more people aren't unhappy with it.
I remember when demos were free
A demo is usually a section cut from the final game. Nothing from GZ will be in The Phantom Pain.
No. I played through the game to the credits, as I would a normal game. I explored a little, but not every millimeter. It is appalling value, and a very sad state for gaming.Have you played the side missions? Have you explored the entire area, found additional weapons, found the XOF tags, found the extra cassettes etc?
I finished Dead Rising 3 Nightmare mode at the weekend, so i'm back to finishing off career in Forza 5 (10x series left to get gold on) and multiplayer on Battlefield 4 (Now it works fine for me).
i just started DR3 couple of hours ago. man is that a crazy game. whats nightmare mode like?? im presuming that its going to be really hard
It's pretty easy once you've levelled up, I completed it on the weekend as well . I only died once during the normal mode anyway.
You can run through NM mode very quickly if you just concentrate on the main objectives.
Make sure you level up plenty by doing all of the side missions on normal story mode.