What are YOU currently playing?

It's pretty easy once you've levelled up, I completed it on the weekend as well :). I only died once during the normal mode anyway.

You can run through NM mode very quickly if you just concentrate on the main objectives.

Make sure you level up plenty by doing all of the side missions on normal story mode.

Yeah that's what i did, it only took a few hours. Level 50 with maxed out stats it was very easy.

I did have a few people join now and then who wanted to mess around, but i just booted them if i got to a point where i was 'waiting for other player', no time to do that in nightmare mode really.

I think just doing the main missions and the odd side mission i had maybe 6 hours left on the clock at the end.
No. I played through the game to the credits, as I would a normal game. I explored a little, but not every millimeter. It is appalling value, and a very sad state for gaming.

If you've only done the main mission then you've only played a fraction of the game, so I don't see how you can complain that you haven't got your money's worth when there's still a lot of stuff left to play and do in it; it'd be like complaining that Fallout 3 is a short game because you've just done the main story quests without doing any side-quests or optional stuff. If you want more time from the game, put more time into it.

It sets a worrying precedent if done badly, sure, but I and many others seem to have managed to get quite a few hours out of GZ so far (and I'll likely play it again just before Phantom Pain comes out) so I don't think in this specific case it's much of an issue. If you're not willing to put any effort in to getting more from the game then I suspect you'll continue to be disappointed with other games in the future too.
If you're not willing to put any effort in to getting more from the game then I suspect you'll continue to be disappointed with other games in the future too.

I put plenty of effort in. I pretty much explored the whole place, even though there was very little reason to do so. Seems to me that it is being glossed over because people are desperate for something decent on the next gen consoles. The lack of good games has allowed them to release something that hardly has any value in order to exploit their fans. I thought Kojima was better than that.
But you said yourself that you haven't touched the side missions. They're quite fun (especially the Deja Vu one) and there are cassettes you can only find by doing them which expand upon the story a little.

It seems unlikely that Phantom Pain will be here within the next 12 months, so personally I'm quite glad to get a taste of what next-gen MGS is like.
Just given up on Bound By Flame on the PS4. The first two chapters were pretty entertaining and engaging but halfway through the third I have completely lost interest.
I have just finished playing Killzone and am now playing outlast.. :) Killzone was pretty good but a little lobsided when it came to the difficulty. Outlast is great but flipping tense and I wish I had a shotgun.. :o
I've just finished Tales of Xillia, for the second time in just over two weeks, totalling 108 hours across the two games. It's the first JRPG that kept me interested from start to finish, so much so that immediately after finishing with Milla (and by immediately, I literally mean as soon as the credits finished), I started a second play through with Jude. I don't think I've ever done that, in almost 40 years of gaming.

One battle did cost me a DS3, as it lost in the battle with my solid kitchen floor (yes... I have anger issues :( ), but the replacement controller managed to survive the rest of the battles. As a result of being so impressed by the game, I have just ordered Tales of Graces F, and am considering Vesperia too. I'd like to get the Japanese version, but I think it would seriously hinder the ability to understand the game content. Not so much the story, but the item specific text. Not knowing what a weapon does, or what spells do, could be a bit of a pain.

Oh, and I did try and play Ni-No Kuni, but found it dreadful, so I gave up.
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Currently playing Last of Us on the PS3 (just started), may end up trading the PS3 in for a PS4 soonish though.

Inbetween that I'm also playing Titanfall on the XB1, GTA V & Saints Row 3 on the 360...
After finishing gta 5 on ps3 never completed it on 360, but when I got a ps4 got a ps3 for my son as he always wanted one .... Now playing mainly Warframe really enjoying that for a free game also playing infamous:SS but not really grabbed me as a new infamous player maybe just because I'm playing as a hero first or I've not played enough of the story yet
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