What are you doing new years eve?

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I`m going to a James Bond theme party, decided to go as Pussy Galore, just got my entire oufit from Asda for £30. Just need to go down the Joke Shop tommorrow for the fake boobies :)
Between 17.45 and 22.00 I will be doing dishes in a local pub. Then at 11.00 I'm gonna go completly mad and go home and post in here. :( Still at least I'll have earned some money :rolleyes:
Staying in with the wife and some beers. Going out into town is far far too expensive, might as well have a nice quiet night in with the person I love, enjoying each others company and watching a film or two :)
My mates and I will all be going round to a friends house for dinner, drinking, party games :D - you name it!

It should be a good night and quite cheap aswell!

Come the midnight bell I will prob be on the phone to my lovely new girlfriend :)
bah - i shall be attending a rather shoddy party i think cos we are all lost for ideas on how to spend NYE, still i can think back to last year which i spent with my m8's and my beutiful GF of the time (since split) which was a gooooood night after we left the partee ;)
Getting marvellously drunk at the home of a lady friend, then staggering 1 mile accross town, stealing as many road signs as possible, falling around in an amusing manner, then waking up under a bush in Wales with a Buddhist chef called Linford and a tattoo on my arse reading "Melons"

Ah, same as last year then.
We're not happy cause a numbers changing. It's an excuse for a party :D

Im getting worried tho nowt to do... some mates are doing these rock night things they have in town but ain't really my thang. Any ideas for an underage and look it wannabe clubber?

You lot are soo lucky being over 18 and all :p
Originally posted by Nozzer
A ghetto-blaster, a lino mat, a deserted close and some torches with coloured sweet wrappers over the bulbs.



am working at the mo

at a mates houseparty/pub later

nothing special planned
although I did get some inflatable pugel sticks and podiums for my b'day!!!

so I'll be testing those out later with some drunken mates :)
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