What are your missing man skills?

Nothing on that list I haven't done or couldn't do, except fly a plane - although if I was interested enough then I guess I could learn. What is manly about playing an instrument?
I've never used a cut throat razor, that's a man skill! This needs to change.

Two years ago I rode a motorbike for the first time and didn't jitter once, that was a satisfying moment :D
I can turn my hand to just about anything. I don't think there's anything on the original list bar the girly stuff (skiing and photography, for example) plus butchering big game. My Grandad could've shown me as he was a master butcher but I've never done it.

A lot of it is Dad stuff. You need to be able to explain clouds/weather and stars/constellations and so on to encourage the young uns.

Being very good at cooking is essential. It doesn't mean you should do all the cooking, but being able to excel is a definite man skill.
They are overrated. You put money on a table and a few seconds later its gone with nothing tangible to replace it and you only have a shady memory of why.

I fail at most points in this thread. :(

Bull. Can you provide food and protection for your family? If your not old enough then you should be working on those skills which enable you to satisfy goals. Remember the mail loin doesn't take crap from anyone and doesn't worry about the small things in life.
Never shot a real gun.
Not fully knowledgeable about cars. Can change brake pads etc but that's limit.

I can do/know most of the things in the first post.

Conclusion: I'm alpha as ****.
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