Just to clarify - are you planning to run a chiller unit in the cooler box that cools the liquid that flows through the main case? Chiller and Phase Change always meant different things to me back in the day. I've run both over the years (still regret letting my Vapochill Mach 1 go), great fun, but the diminishing returns seldom justified the cost

. I still have an old chiller in the garage that I keep meaning to dig out and us for a ghetto build. There were a couple of issues with chillers that always plagued us that you may or may not have considered.
- Condensation, as you say, is a pain. I like your solution - seems elegant, but will be intrigued to see whether is is effective at really low temperatures.
- What temperatures are you aiming for? Chillers do work to get your temps below ambient, but I suspect you will really struggle to get them down to zero, and below. Especially as it looks like you are planning to cool everything in the case with it - bear in mind that sealing the case means all cooling will be done by the chiller - CPU/GPU aren't the only things producing heat!
- What advantage are you aiming for? To justify the cost, you will presumably be looking to offer a performance boost? Have you looked at the cost/gain of what you are planning - diminishing returns are a killer with most of this stuff - just look at how little traction TEC (peltier) got.
- If it is about aesthetics however - love it!! Clean and "cool" - given how much we spend on cosmetics in builds (just look in the build log section), don't let anyone tell you people won't spend for looks

If it is just a fun project then please put a build log in the build section - would love to follow the progress