What aux power gizmo do I need?

1 Apr 2014
I flattened my car's battery AGAIN. I had left my dashcam plugged in AGAIN. On my Skoda Yeti the 12v cigarette lighter socket is always on. So I need something that will plug into that socket into which I can plug my dashcam's power which will cut the power when the battery's power drops below a certain level. Something like this, except it cuts the power.
Personally I'd hardwire it into a switched 12V supply rather than a permanent using a fuse tap.

Installation will be much neater and you can buy the kits to do it for £12 for one with the terminals pre crimped or a few quid less if you are happy to crimp them on yourself.

Here is an example that would power a mini USB. Micro USB versions are also available - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nextbase-...377396?hash=item43dfca2b74:g:JpUAAOSwB-1Y5mIf
How long are you leaving it for it to go flat? If we're talking a couple of days then I'd suggest your battery is knackered. My old car's cigarette lighter was permanently live and I left it with the dashcam running for a week once with no ill effects.
If you already have the power magic pro couldn't just plug it into the cigarette lighter socket?

You just need to buy a suitable plug and connect the wires to that instead of the car's wiring loom.
On some cars (maybe all cars), you can move a fuse in the fusebox which will let you pick which 'mode' your cigarette lighter runs on.

It has the choice of '12v on ignition' or '12v constant'.

See this that I nabbed from imgur..

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