What book are you reading...

She might like The Last Rune series. Also Rick Riordans Percy Jackson or Gods of Olympus series'

Thanks, had a look but not sure they're her sort of thing.

Fortunately I did discover that her Amazon wishlist is openly visible so I've got a pretty good idea of what she wants now!
Just finished R Scott Bakkers' "The Warrior Prophet" Trilogy - good series, well written, although too much sex for my tastes. He writes a very good battle, and has done well at developing characters that you care about.

One gripe is that I cannot stand the character the story centers around, he is a complete douche.
Just finished NPCs by Drew Hayes.
Enjoyable look at what the background characters could do when the party dies.

Split The Party is the sequel....that's next
I am currently half way through book 3 (Maelstrom) of Taylor Anderson's Destroyer Men saga. Really enjoying it as I love these alternate history/war/sci-fi style books.
Just read The 8th: A Tale of Horror and Revenge by Matt Shaw.

Very disturbing book from the perspective of a kid being bullied at school and getting his revenge.
Very graphical but you kind of see why he ends up doing what he does.

Quite short and free on Kindle at Amazon.

Now reading the rest of his back catalogue (so I guess giving out that book free worked!), he seems to excel at writing psychological horror from the perspective of both the victim and the person carrying out the deed.

Which does lead me to another point. Why do books not have age ratings? Any kid can go out and by books like this which are incredibly graphical in both violence and sex - more so than any 18 film you could ever sneak in to watch.

Have a read of this right now!
Have a read of this right now!

I'd say I hope you enjoy it but I don't think you're meant to!

I also read the Peter Chronicles series of books he did. You actually feel quite disturbed when reading them but you just want to see what happens next... normally not what you would expect!

He is one very dark and twisted author....
I'd say I hope you enjoy it but I don't think you're meant to!

I also read the Peter Chronicles series of books he did. You actually feel quite disturbed when reading them but you just want to see what happens next... normally not what you would expect!

He is one very dark and twisted author....

Will check him out.
Just finished the 8th. Fascinating read, definitely keeps you interested.!
Read the Martian in a couple of days. Really gripping and interesting story with plenty of believable science. I don't normally read a book that quickly.
I've finished The Gentleman *******s series, and now I'm stuck for something to read.

Books I've read and really enjoyed recently have all been fantasy, so I'm after another fantasy series to read.

Recently I've read the following:

Mistborn series
The Belgariad
The Malloreon
The Gentleman *******s

I read the Gentleman *******s series after I went looking for something to read about thieves / assassins. This was inspired by Silk from The Belgariad. I really enjoyed his character. I started reading Assassin's Apprentice many years ago but didn't finish it so I'm wondering whether I ought to go back to that? Or, does anyone have any other suggestions along these fantasy lines?
Could look at the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. I believe it's all about assassins and such and gets good reviews though I have never read it myself.

Heard a bit about the Kushiel's Dart series as well which is a bit more spy/political fantasy than outright assassin though I have heard it's a bit weird as well going a bit too heavy on the sex, though again it's another series I haven't yet found the time for.
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Paperbook: The Professional by Heinz
About two thirds of the way through. Really interesting look at boxing just as television was starting to rear its head.

Kindle: American Psycho
On the third chapter. I already get a sense of Bateman's character. I'm looking forward to getting properly stuck in after the professional.
I've just finished reading the first book in the last kingdom series, really enjoyed it, much more than I expected, going to start on the next one as soon as I finish reading Commander Chris Hadfields book.
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