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The Root by Amy Cross.

Free on Kindle Unlimited.

"All around the world, a sudden and shocking event strikes the human race. Thick black roots shoot up through the ground and attach themselves to the feet of every man, woman and child, locking them in place so that they can no longer move."

Really enjoyed this. Only a couple of hours long but really interesting idea and well executed.

Makes you wonder what is going through the minds of authors to come up with stuff like this!

Can recommend most of Amy's books. Good horror stories.
Rebirth by Iain Rob Wright

Free on Kindle Unlimited.

Final book in the Hell On Earth series.

Demon's from Hell invade Earth with the goal to wipe mankind from existence which would enable them to take down God.

I've enjoyed this entire series. Fast action horror and the author quite happy to kill off key characters - no one is safe!
Try Matthew Reilly, his books are like Andy McDemott's but on speed (and better but that is my personal opinion)!

Also check out the Matt Drake series by David Leadbeater and the Joe Hawkes series by Rob Jones. Both free on Kindle Unlimited.
Strangely these two series and the Andy McDermott series have very similar main characters - wonder who copied who....
I love Reilly's older stuff. His writing got worse around the time his wife passed though. Ice Station is one of my favourites.
About to start a reread of Skin Game in preparation for the new Dresden Files in 2 weeks!

New Dresden files you say? *insert dancing banana gif*

Might hold fire until I've completed my Malazan reread and then do a whole Dresden Files reread. Great books and you can churn through one in a couple of days.
Factions by Ike Hamill

If you ever get on a plane and a guy sits next to you and introduces himself as Ike and mentions he is an author and says "Do you want to read this book about a plane flight I have written". immediately get off the plane.

I have a love hate relationship with Ike. He writes some great horror/suspense but also some absolute weird stuff.

This falls somewhere in the middle
It's about a flight from the UK to America that starts off innocent enough but rapidly devolves into chaos when rumors about the fight get out of control and it turns into a "them against us" - coach vs first class (hence the title Factions).
Moving on to Lord of Chaos, Wheel of Time 6. The prologue is massive, so need to put a few hours aside to get through that. It's the second longest in the series; I'm actually looking forward to when they lull to under 300,000 words a book!
Moving on to Lord of Chaos, Wheel of Time 6. The prologue is massive, so need to put a few hours aside to get through that. It's the second longest in the series; I'm actually looking forward to when they lull to under 300,000 words a book!

You're not, trust me :D The lull is weird in that the books really start to focus on really tedious arcs for secondary characters... but the "lull" books do actually have some pretty major events in them which mean that you still get a payoff.

Lord of Chaos is brilliant, a genuinely defining book in the series. Although I've read it a few times, I just finished listening to it on audiobook last week. The next couple of books are decent, then they tail off before coming right back. I reckon that from halfway through The Dragon Reborn - when a certain character wakes up in a certain building - through to the end of The Fires of Heaven is the best stretch of the series, but Sanderson does a very good job of finishing it off all things considered.
Last night in bed, I was mooching about on Amazon and decided to try an ebook on my iPad - Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke. Enjoyed the sample so much that I ordered a Kindle this morning and will buy the full book when it arrives. I haven’t read any books for years so I’m quite looking forward to taking a break from gaming and doing some reading.
Last night in bed, I was mooching about on Amazon and decided to try an ebook on my iPad - Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke. Enjoyed the sample so much that I ordered a Kindle this morning and will buy the full book when it arrives.

Do not read the sequels. Trust me on this.
Do not read the sequels. Trust me on this.

LOL, I've got a strange feeling I may have read one of them about 20-odd years ago. I can definitely remember something about an octopus called "Dr Blue" but it's extremely vague. Definitely don't remember anything from first book in the sample I read last night though.
The original is a genuine classic, and one of the best BDO stories ever written. It does have the usual Clarke issue that character is non-existent, but it doesn't matter much. The sequels were written by Gentry Lee (Completely, not co-written as credited) and are rubbish.
The original is a genuine classic, and one of the best BDO stories ever written. It does have the usual Clarke issue that character is non-existent, but it doesn't matter much. The sequels were written by Gentry Lee (Completely, not co-written as credited) and are rubbish.

Thanks for the info. I'm not sure I'd want to read all of them back-to-back anyway, there's a couple more series from my youth that I am eager to relive - Dragonlance Chronicles and Amtrak Wars.
The sequels are ok imo, they're just quite different. If you really love the first and want more then you might end up enjoying them. First is a classic though.
Kindle came today. Can't believe how small it is! But it seems fine for reading anyway with the adjustable fonts. Got three months Kindle Unlimited as well. Any recommendations for good cyberpunk/sci-fi that's on KU?
Kindle came today. Can't believe how small it is! But it seems fine for reading anyway with the adjustable fonts. Got three months Kindle Unlimited as well. Any recommendations for good cyberpunk/sci-fi that's on KU?
Couple of series I enjoyed: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Terms-Enli...ko+kloos&qid=1595269885&s=digital-text&sr=1-4


You want to check the daily deals too, usually three books, sometimes more on sale at 99p each and there are some great ones on there occasionally, and every month there is a monthly selection on sale too, you can build up a decent collection in no time for very little money.
Girl at work lent me a book called The Chain, simple premise...your child is kidnapped, only way to get them back is kidnap someone elses child. Once the parents of that child kidnap another child, you get your own child back.

Considering the last few books I read were Dune, The Soldier and Revelation Space...it feels very light and easy reading. Jumps in feet first with no preamble, has me hooked from the off though and curious what the pay off will be.
I really want to get back into reading again instead of looking at mindless stuff on my phone. I love sci fi so thinking of giving The Foundation a try as it's coming out as a TV series next year.
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