No one mentioned the new Dresden Files books that came out last Oct/Nov? "Peace Talks" and "Battle Ground" came out within a couple of months of each other, after a several year hiatus as Jim Butcher dealt with writers block.
If you've been waiting for years for a new Dresden Files book, these are both fantastic. The two books are basically one story split across two books, where Dresden is (as usual) being pulled in several directions at once. He starts in "Peace Talks" with being assigned as the security detail on the large meeting of many supernatural powers getting together for political talks, he's been loaned out as the Winter Knight to repay a favour to a sometimes enemy, and at the same time having to deal with his brother seemingly going off the rails. Dresden is also dealing with being a dad to a young daughter, a new romantic relationship with Karen Murphy, and the new balance of power with the Wizard Council and the criminal underworld of Chicago. As expected, things are not what they seem, and the big bad comes from offscreen, with a massive supernatural army determined to bring the world back to darkness, starting with Chicago.
In "Battle Ground" we see the battle that takes place in Chicago, and all the heavy hitters come out on one side or another. Even the people of Chicago are pulled into things, as the scale of the powers finally bursts free from hiding in the shadows. Things are simply too big to hide by this point as Chicago is turned into the final choke point before the end of the world.
These two books are a great return to form by Jim Butcher, and in many ways is the payoff we've been waiting for a long time. We finally see apocalyptic level powers on display and pounding on each other. Butcher pulls his usual Dresden tricks (such as ending each chapter on a cliff hanger), but Dresden's story arc continues. He suffers losses and achieves triumphs, his position astride human and magical worlds again shifts because his unorthodox methods are condemned, but at the same time necessary. Dresden moves a couple of steps closer to his unknown destiny.
If you're a fan of the Dresden books, these are a couple of great additions.