Entirely fair point. I also recently read BNW and didn't enjoy it much. I'm not the biggest sci-fi reader though, anyway.You definitely need to have different expectations when reading classic sci-fi. Been a while since I read Fahrenheit 451 but it is a different beast to say the Expanse trilogy or something by Peter F Hamilton. I'm planning to re-read Brave New World at some point and knowing how thin the book is I know it will be a very different experience to modern Sci-Fi.
I'm not a good book reviewer but it was like reading a decent story whilst squinting through a frosted glass. I could kind of understand the world he had built, but so much was lacking in clarity, half of the conversations seemed to take place in a dream state. I just thought it was full of flowery language and metaphors that did nothing to either build the world or help the story along. I'm sure it's rated so highly because it vindicates uber book nerds and English language teachers. A decent read, it is not. I'm sure it would have been a better read in it's time, and I enjoyed the last quarter of it but still...Yeah fahrenheit451 is the temperature at which paper spontaneously ignites its s treatise on book burning and anti-intellectualism in 50's america, peoples expectations have really been dumbed down by hollywood action/sci-fi movies all flash bang boom and brain definitely not required.