What book are you reading...

Billy Summers - Stephen King - 7/10.

Enjoyable enough, found the first half a little slow and drawn out. I liked some of the references to previous books… :)
Blake Crouch's Recursion is good fun. Just finished the first section and it's left me wanting more!

3 chapters until the end of Wheel of Time 10 too (which has took me ages to grind through). I'll be moving on to the prequel as after book 10 seems to be the time to slot it in.
World Without End - Ken Follett. One of the reasons why I bought a Kindle for holiday reading.

Ken Follett has produced some great books, I loved "Pillers of the earth".
I'm currently reading "Never" which is based in more modern times, struggling through this one though, think I prefer his books based on older events.
Just (re)starting Matthew Reilly's "Seven Ancient Wonders". I read it (and the next two) a free years ago but then realized it would be 7 book set and so stopped. Now the final book is being released tomorrow I'm binging. High octane action, like Indy on speed.
Just Finished, double eagle from Dan Abnett and Baneblade by Guy Haley. Currently reading his follow up Shadowsword. Pretty good and different to bolter pron with SM.
I just finished The Weirdstone Of Brisimgamen by Alan Garnet. It's a wizardy/ dwarfy fantasy book for kids written in the early 60s.

I last read that when I was about 10, and was amazed to find it is still an excellent read.

The section where they are trapped in the mines is very claustrophobic and still makes me cringe.
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About 150 pages into the 5th GOT (actually called Book 4 as 3 was in two parts!), A Feast For Crows.

Must admit I'm starting to struggle a bit. Maybe I'm starting to get a bit of George RR Martin burnout, but it seems the pace has shifted in this one. Story now largely being told through the eyes of more minor characters and I don't think Tyrion or Dany have popped into the story yet. Jon has had one brief mention via a Samwell chapter but nothing yet on Bran, travelling north of the wall. GRRM also seems obsessed with building large family tree expositions into the text. There's not even been any dwarf erotica to lighten the mood, yet.
Book four and Book five take place at the same time, but use different PoV characters. AFfG is deliberately slower than all the other books, because the author is stepping back to show what the War of Five Kings has done to Westeros and the common people (hence no Danaerys etc). Think of it as an interlude, mainly there to move some characters to particular places ready for later books.

That said, I'm on record as saying it is my favourite so far.
Reading Survival in the Killing Fields - has taken a little while to get through it (put it aside for another book and picked it up again a few times), but it's good, and harrowing insight into someone's life during the Khmer Rouge.

Listening to Kremlin Winter as an audio book. Interesting so far, but covers a broader set of topics and is less linked together by a strong narrative arc than most other non fiction audio books I've listened to. More of it would probably make more sense if I had more background knowledge of Russian politics. So overall finding it a little hard to keep engaged with it, but still interesting nonetheless getting more of a sense of how things work in today's Russian government.
Currently reading The Stand by Stephen King, really enjoying it, it must be a massive book as I am only 45% and been at it a while!
I've been going through Stephen King from the start. Just finished The Shining - that was one hell of a ride. I'm on to Rage next as part of the Bachman books.
Are you reading all his books in chronological order?

That will take a while...
I am indeed! About a third of the way through Rage and then on to The Stand. I'm reading his stuff alongside other books series like Dresden and Wheel of Time which I'm having a break from (finished book 10 which took ages to plow through and I was getting burnt out). Also want to get into the Reacher books again. I read the first two but am thinking of trying to get a job lot on Ebay.
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