What book are you reading...

The coming to the end of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (Stephen King) and it is probably the most boring book I've read for a long while. Story is dull, characters are dull and I'm not a fan of the writing style. I don't think I'll be reading any follow-ups to it.
Oh my.

oh my oh my oh my.

Just finished Deadhouse Gates. Wow.

Although I have a few questions (MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT):
-Was it really Moby protecting Kalam and co in the sandstorm?
-Who does Sha'ik Reborn actually compromise of? Felisin, the old Sha'ik and Dryijna? Or just a coming together of the conciousness of the first two, and the ability to communicate with Dryijna? (I know I've murdered the spelling here). Should it have been Apsalar rather than Felisin?
-I thought Icarium was supposed to become a guardian of the Azath house? Is this not the case any more? Did the Azath let him go on for now and Moby replace him, or did Mappo break this 'promise' of sorts? I would have thought the house would have been able to take him whether or not.
-What exactly are Cotillion's and Shadowthrone's aim in all of this? To get Laseen killed? Hence the earlier possesion of Apsalar I assume?
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Just started reading the girl who kicked the hornets nest. I kinda skipped the first book. Watched the dragon tattoo movie with Daniel Craig, then read the second book now reading the third
Just started reading the girl who kicked the hornets nest. I kinda skipped the first book. Watched the dragon tattoo movie with Daniel Craig, then read the second book now reading the third

Just finished the last book and loved every minute of it. I wish there was more but unfortunately the author died :(
The coming to the end of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (Stephen King) and it is probably the most boring book I've read for a long while. Story is dull, characters are dull and I'm not a fan of the writing style. I don't think I'll be reading any follow-ups to it.

I'm relieved to hear you say that because I read it over Christmas and was feeling exactly the same way. It ended in a total rush and in my copy was a note from Stephen King outlining the plot in case he never got round to finishing it.
I heard there's a movie in the works. Maybe I'll just watch that instead:p
Funeral Note by Quintin Jardine.

It's the latest book in the Bob Skinner series. Not written in the usual 3rd person or 1st person like the last one but as if the characters are recounting the story to an interviewer.
Oh my.

oh my oh my oh my.

Just finished Deadhouse Gates. Wow.

Although I have a few questions (MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT):
-Was it really Moby protecting Kalam and co in the sandstorm?
-Who does Sha'ik Reborn actually compromise of? Felisin, the old Sha'ik and Dryijna? Or just a coming together of the conciousness of the first two, and the ability to communicate with Dryijna? (I know I've murdered the spelling here). Should it have been Apsalar rather than Felisin?
-I thought Icarium was supposed to become a guardian of the Azath house? Is this not the case any more? Did the Azath let him go on for now and Moby replace him, or did Mappo break this 'promise' of sorts? I would have thought the house would have been able to take him whether or not.
-What exactly are Cotillion's and Shadowthrone's aim in all of this? To get Laseen killed? Hence the earlier possesion of Apsalar I assume?

Amazing book isn't it? :)

1) yes, he's a familiar of some description.
2) just Felsin iirc and her ability to commune with the goddess, the other shaik as well as Felisin is just a convenient vessel.
3) the house wanted to claim Icarium and remove him from the world due to the sheer danger he presents. Mapping has always been working with the azath to control Icarium. The house was there to finally deal with Icarium but Mappo couldn't go through with it. Whether or not the house could have actually managed it is unclear.
4) that will spoil everything for you. If you really want I will tell you but it will wreck a large part of the series.
I'm up to Pyramids in my Discworld read through, having just finished Wyrd Sisters the other day (the first time I'd read that in a long time), and finding that I enjoyed Wyrd Sisters much more than I did when I last read it, and I'm currently finding that I'm enjoying Pyramids more than I remember.

I think that some of the discworld books you get more out of on later read throughs, or possibly just as I've got older my taste has changed a bit and I'm getting more of the references at times :)

Having said that, I'm going to have a break after Pyramids and read Fire Season and then probably the new Honor Harrington book (Shadow of Freedom), as I bought a couple of the Baen monthly bundles :) (unfortunately it seems now they're on Amazon as well, you can only buy the monthly bundles in advance, so you can't decide "I think i'll like that book" and buy an older bundle with it in).
American Psycho - Brett Easton Ellis

Beforehand, read Less Than Zero, which I wasn't a fan of.

That's odd Evans, I absolutely loved Scanner Darkly
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