What book are you reading...

I got about 80 pages in and then just had to stop. The writing was unforgivably bad.

While on holiday last year we were sitting on my sisters patio when we were showered for ten minutes or so by loose pages from Fifty Shades from a neighbouring property.

(glue had obviously melted in binding cos of the heat)

My sister started to read it out loud and we alll agreed it was drivel.
Marvel Universe vs Wolverine. Graphic novel, but I think that still counts as a book.

Have already read Marvel Universe vs The Punisher. This is a prequal to that story.
I've started a re-read of Martin series.

Really fancied some decent fantasy and will be interesting what I pick up this time round :)

Sorry for the self quote. Had to say how much I'm enjoying the Game of Thrones, the last couple of books I've found a bit tedious and a bit poor to be honest. I had completely forgotten how good the earlier books, already 200 pages in and thoroughly enjoying it.

Also, whilst I'm here can someone remind me of the Jon Snow speculation? Is it that

he is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna?
Another very random parraelle world sciency type fiction book, which I have no idea where the hell it's going.

The doughnut is a thing of beauty, a circle of fried, doughy perfection - a source of comfort in trying times, perhaps. For Theo Bernstein it is far, far more. An accident at work lost Theo his job (and his work involved preventing a Very Very Large Hadron Collider from blowing up, so he's unlikely to get it back).
His wife has left him, he doesn't have any money, and news arrives that his good friend Professor Pieter van Goyen, renowned physicist and Nobel laureate, has died. By leaving the apparently worthless contents of his safety deposit to Theo, however, the professor has sent him on a quest of epic proportions. A journey that will rewrite the laws of physics. A battle to save humanity itself. This is the tale of a man who had nothing and gave it all up to find his destiny - and a doughnut.
The Bromeliad Trilogy by Pratchett (Truckers, Diggers, Wings)

I know that they are children's books, so my expectations are probably too high, but I felt the stories weren't meaty enough and over too quick (I had forgotten how slim these books were).

The Carpet People is by the same author but just much, much better.
Also, whilst I'm here can someone remind me of the Jon Snow speculation? Is it that

Yep I'm pretty sure it's one of the main speculations.

Finished The Painted Man by Peter V. Brett. Meh. Felt a little YA for my liking but was better towards the end.

Now giving The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch a go.
The Martian by Andy Weir

pretty good so far though i did start reading it at 3 this morning while i was waiting for my trailer to be unloaded
Good couple books right there!

From the earlier post I liked the sound of the Draka Saga so onto that next, enjoyed Ender's Game but not sure I feel like going into the series. Great book though :eek:
If you enjoy the Domination series when you read it, definately check out his Nantucket series (the island of Nantucket gets sent back to something like 200BC iirc), and the Emberverse series (same 'present' as Nantucket series but things like guns etc no longer work).

EDIT: While I'm not saying the Domination series is rubbish, you do have to suspend your disbelief at the sheer speed of technological progress in the books, something that you don't have to do with the Nantucket/Emberverse books.
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Just finished The Prodigal Spy by Joseph Kanon and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I guessed a lot of who did what when but the writing made sure it was enjoyable to the end.
Just finished The Forever War really enjoyed it and now I'm reading Forever Free. Enjoying that also.

I recommend The Forever War to any Sci Fi fans out there.
Sorry for the self quote. Had to say how much I'm enjoying the Game of Thrones, the last couple of books I've found a bit tedious and a bit poor to be honest. I had completely forgotten how good the earlier books, already 200 pages in and thoroughly enjoying it.

Also, whilst I'm here can someone remind me of the Jon Snow speculation? Is it that

he is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna?

aye he is
The Miracle at Speedy Motors (book 9 of the No. 1 Ladie's Detective Agency).

Wanted something a bit calmer after finishing Ender's Game.
Can't get much more different: a gentle, tea-sipping looking at life in a small Botswana town.
Sorry for the self quote. Had to say how much I'm enjoying the Game of Thrones, the last couple of books I've found a bit tedious and a bit poor to be honest. I had completely forgotten how good the earlier books, already 200 pages in and thoroughly enjoying it.

Also, whilst I'm here can someone remind me of the Jon Snow speculation? Is it that

he is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna?

I completely feel you on this one - I've been battling with The Chronicles of the Black Company for a couple of weeks now and not really enjoying it.

While on a train I decided to give Deadhouse Gates another look, just because I loved it so much the first time. I'm now 200 pages in, I've picked up on so many things I'd missed previously, and if possible I now love the book even more.

With regards to the spoiler tagged item, thats generally what the community believes (or used to believe).
Yep I'm pretty sure it's one of the main speculations.

Finished The Painted Man by Peter V. Brett. Meh. Felt a little YA for my liking but was better towards the end.

Now giving The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch a go.

Just about to finish the second book of the Demon Cycle series and loving the way it is written! The characters are developing nicely.

Just ordered two books; Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself and Erikson's Memories of Ice (Malazan book 3)

Joe Abercrombie's works and the Malazan series are some of my favourite fantasy novels. Cannot recommend them enough!
was about to post here saying i have read Joe Abercrombie trilogy and wanted advice as to what to read next

they are brilliant books. cant recommend them enough

thought the painted man was a bit weak. i like the first book of Brandon Sanderson Stormlight Archive, but waiting for the next in the series.

i just bought best served cold by Abercrombie as well....

any other recommendations?
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