That mirrors my thoughts exactly. Loved the world building and intermingling of different races / species but the character development was lacklustre. I felt let down by how the story ended - more of a damp squelch than a big almighty bang.
Just finished "Contact" by Carl Sagan. My first book that isn't non-fiction factual stuff all the way through! Awesome read, loved it. Looking forwards to watching the blu-ray of it tomorrow.
If you liked Contact I would also recommend 'Fade Out' by Patrick Tilley.
Just off to get 'Enders Game' as my next read.
If you liked Contact I would also recommend 'Fade Out' by Patrick Tilley.
Just off to get 'Enders Game' as my next read.
I think you'll enjoy the Scott Lynch books. Not quite as gritty as Abercrombie's in my opinion, as the setting is a bit less conventional with more of a leaning towards high fantasy. But, in terms of the wit, dialogue etc ... it's right up there.
The Prestige by Christopher Priest, on which the film was based.
Absolutely fantastic book so far. I didn't expect it to put across the same sense of place as the movie, but if anything it's better.
Reading Marilyn Mason's bio which I'm a bit unsure of..