What book are you reading...

Just finished "Contact" by Carl Sagan. My first book that isn't non-fiction factual stuff all the way through! Awesome read, loved it. Looking forwards to watching the blu-ray of it tomorrow.
In hero years... I'm dead. - by Michael Stackpole.

Got this recently as part of an ebook bundle. It has the same vibe as The Watchmen, in that it is set in a world inhabited by superheros and supervillains -some have special powers and some are humans with a bag of gadgets.
The plot follows retired heroes struggling to be good in a world where they are older, damaged or outdated. Really enjoyed it.
'The Infection' by Craig DiLouie. Rage zombies and giant monsters. Fun, mindless entertainment for the drive to work.
That mirrors my thoughts exactly. Loved the world building and intermingling of different races / species but the character development was lacklustre. I felt let down by how the story ended - more of a damp squelch than a big almighty bang.

I did find the ending a little contrived especially Motley. That and Jack, the most out of place cameo ever appearance ever. I got the feeling he had a word limit and had to just cram it all however he could because it did feel a little out of place and badly pitched.

I can forgive him for his world building, and whilst I criticise his characterisation, The Weaver! <3
Just finished "Contact" by Carl Sagan. My first book that isn't non-fiction factual stuff all the way through! Awesome read, loved it. Looking forwards to watching the blu-ray of it tomorrow.

If you liked Contact I would also recommend 'Fade Out' by Patrick Tilley.

Just off to get 'Enders Game' as my next read.
If you liked Contact I would also recommend 'Fade Out' by Patrick Tilley.

Just off to get 'Enders Game' as my next read.

I recently finished Enders Game and really enjoyed it. I've just started the sequel Speaker for the Dead which is very different but so far is well written and intriguing.
Anyone read the Scott Lynch Gentleman *******s series?

Need another book or two for the kindle for holiday and that looks interesting. Does it have the Abercrombie style grittiness?
I think you'll enjoy the Scott Lynch books. Not quite as gritty as Abercrombie's in my opinion, as the setting is a bit less conventional with more of a leaning towards high fantasy. But, in terms of the wit, dialogue etc ... it's right up there.
I think you'll enjoy the Scott Lynch books. Not quite as gritty as Abercrombie's in my opinion, as the setting is a bit less conventional with more of a leaning towards high fantasy. But, in terms of the wit, dialogue etc ... it's right up there.

It's another series which tries for realism even when using magic (which doesn't happen much). Any book which does new things with Fantasy, as these do, is worth a try, they're good books. They're also supposed to be books one and two of seven. Which makes three to seven a long time overdue.

I'm reading, as promised earlier, Toby Wilkinson's "The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt". It's a great introduction to the whole span of Ancient Egyptian history. It's astonishing just how much we actually know about them. Of course, their habit of carving stuff on every surface plays a major part in that.
The End of Work by Jeremy Rifkin

It discusses how automation has been replacing human labour over the past 100 years and the complications this will cause in our time. We're approaching a worker-less world where our needs will be met by machines instead of human sweat and toil. Freeing us to pursue education, travel, family time etc. Worth a read for those going down that road.
Just finished my first ever read of Orwell's 1984. As many others I was inspired to read it due to recent events with Prism and world wide surveillance. It definitely makes you think, really good book.
The Prestige by Christopher Priest, on which the film was based.

Absolutely fantastic book so far. I didn't expect it to put across the same sense of place as the movie, but if anything it's better.
The Prestige by Christopher Priest, on which the film was based.

Absolutely fantastic book so far. I didn't expect it to put across the same sense of place as the movie, but if anything it's better.

Most stuff by Christopher Priest is worth reading, although it can make your brain hurt. His best book is still probably "Inverted World" though.
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