What book are you reading...

finally finished Dan Brown - Inferno. Not impressed, a total snooze fest at points in terms of the over the top/detailed description of the places that Langdon visits. It seems he knows everyone/everything - has friends in all areas of the world happy to help at the drop of a hat.

Just felt it went on and on at points despite the whole thing supposedly being done within 36 hours or so. Felt myself skipping large chunks of text knowing that it would be another 2 page description of the roof of some Italian building etc. Felt like reading a travel guide at times!

Very disappointing.
Just finished off The Bourne Identity. I can see why they kept the idea at the centre of the plot and changed everything else for the movie.
The book felt like it was a good two edit and rewrites short of being 'finished' with some stodgy sections and unconvincing characters here and there. Some of the 'field craft' sections were good though. In particular where Jason opens a crack in Carlos' network and then widens it by feeding false information to the unwitting staff at a clothes shop. Overall I don't think I enjoyed it enough to read any more of the series though.

Starting Against a Dark Background now, which I found at the back of the bookshelf with a 'signed copy' sticker on. Even better there was a copy of Inversions right next to it. :D
Just finished "Quantum Theory cannot hurt you" by Marcus Chown. A good introduction to the ideas of quantum theory, but a bit basic for any real knowledge on the subject.
Order some new books which I'm looking forward to.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire, Book 1)
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle)[/SIZE][/FONT]
Just finished Hopscotch by Kevin J Anderson.

I liked the story and premise of Hopscotching (humans have evolved/adapted the ability to swap their minds with others - changing bodies is no different and as effortless as swapping jackets with other consenting adults).

Interesting plot, but awful writing. Absolutely awful.
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Back from my hols but only read 1 book while away.

Peter Wright's Spycatcher

Really hard going but a great insight into M15 from pre-war onwards.

Seems like we had as many Russian spies working for UK Government than we had non-spies.
Just finished 'The Way of Kings - Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive' by Brandon Sanderson.

Not having much time to read and being a fairly slow reader when I do, this book took me an age to finish; It's a big 'un!

Not an awful lot happens in nthis book but I didn't find it slow or boring at all. I found this universe Sanderson created very imaginative, its not just a fantasy story in medieval times, everything is different, the fauna, the flora, the unique magic system.

It took a little while to get going after the exciting opening chapter but you get to know and feel for the main characters. Oh, and the last hundred pages or so were amazing!

I'm very much looking forward to the next installment.

What to read now?... I might try to finish 'Gardens of the Moon' which didn't really hit the spot for me the first time around but they reckon the series gets better. Or While I'm on a Sanderson high I could give the 'Mistborn' series a go. Was hoping Hugh Howey's 'Dust' would be out by now for an easy read/rest. Decisions, decisions...
Just finished
The English Prisoner
by Tig Hague

The true story of an English bloke who was stupid enough to fly to Moscow with hasish in his pocket (he says a pinhead amount) that was left in his jeans from a friends stag party and wedding.

Russian prisons sounds horrendous so I've crossed them off my list of places to visit.
I was late to the party with ASoIaF, currently 75% through the first one. Will have more time soon for reading so hoping to power through them and get ahead of the TV show. Also got The Pagan Lord due 26th September, need to finish up what I can before then.

Marching Powder by Rusty Young

Read it back in 2009 when I was in New Zealand. Told my girlfriend about it and she wanted to read it so I bought it again, currently reading it.

Hah, I read it in 2009 in Australia:p

It's very interesting though
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Have just finished the 3rd book in the Rivers of London series (modern day police detective with magic), Whispers Underground. It was good but not as good as the previous two books. There wasn't a lot going on, no suspense or real excitement in the story, and the ending was a little dull. The 4th book has just been released (Broken Homes) and should arrive today, which I'll start straightaway. I'm also glad that this series of books has been taken up by the BBC as an option to turn into a TV series, it could be very good with the right actors and director.

(I should also be getting Best Served Cold (Joe Abercrombie) and Deadhouse Gates (Steven Erikson) today too :))
I need to get into fiction books more rather than just these non-fiction physics and science books...

Can anyone recommend a book that I would enjoy? I think I would like a good exciting book like a thriller or horror? Thanks
Silence of the Lambs, The Wasp Factory or The Jonah?

Or something by Steven King or Clive Barker. I don't really read much horror so I don't know which of their enormous libraries are good, bad or middling.
Silence of the Lambs, The Wasp Factory or The Jonah?

Or something by Steven King or Clive Barker. I don't really read much horror so I don't know which of their enormous libraries are good, bad or middling.

Thanks for the suggestions, honestly never knew SotL was a novel so I'll deffo look into that :)

I was looking at a few on King's books such as The Stand and The Shining... Can anyone recommend them (or any others of his)?
The curry book
Some great recipes in it. Even someone like me who hates cooking managed to impress myself
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