What book are you reading...

I'm currently on the last book of the Nuclear dawn series by Kyle Stone. Pretty decent read, not quite up there with her "edge of" series but still, very readable.
After the original Foundation trilogy, I read Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, which was great... and now I'm reading The Trial by Rob Rinder, which isn't :p
Ready Player One
Seems much better than the film!
I'm also reading this at the moment. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through and really enjoying it. I've only seen the film once (when it was released in the cinema) but can't really remember much about it. The book feels much different - in a good way.
Almost finished the first of Asimov's Foundation prequel books - Prelude To Foundation. Took a bit of getting into but towards the end we do get the character of Raych appear on the scene who of course plays a pivotal role in S1 of the TV show.

But currently trying to get my head around what order to actually read the books in - it appears the original stories were written back in the fifties, so having to fit that in with the later books which appeared in the 80's.
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