What cars scream 'chav' to you?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Never ever heard of rednecks linked to Mustangs.

Pickups yes, Mustangs no.

When I went to the US to see a friend, went to her place in Atlanta in Georgia and I saw quite a few Mustang and mentioned I’d love one of those, she said they are driven by red necks, that was the first time I heard that association but yes. It might not be a thing here but in the States, Mustangs and Rednecks are a thing like Corsa and Chav.
19 Mar 2012
I'm sure if we combine all these comments then almost all of you are chavs

Haha, at one point I owned an RS Clio Cup, RS Twingo on lowering springs and a supercharged and lowered MX5.

Most of my peers at work drove BMWs, Mercs and Audis, pretty sure I was considered the chav.
24 Oct 2012
That's not chav to me, that's 'keeping up with the next door neighbours'.

Chav to me has a certain socio economic grouping, PCP on a new RR feels too much, maybe classless, but not chav.

Until three weeks ago I worked in Chelsea, the home of these people. It's honestly astonishing the lengths some people will go to, as well as the sacrifices they'll make to have the latest SUV so they can hang with the rest of the Chelsea crowd.

As a perfect example, I used to the the building manager for a large commercial office building in Chelsea, which had two residential towers on top of it. The towers were mainly elderly folk with their family popping in and out all the time. One kid who couldn't have been older than 25 had a nice 2019 Range Rover completely "murdered out". As we shared the same car park I saw him one day and told him he has a nice car (yanno, be pleasant and all that), and he thanked me and went on his way. A few weeks later I saw him again, this time it had his instagram handle on a window in the back and different wheels. The next time I saw him he was in his gran's crap old A-Class. I didn't ask or mention anything but from speaking to the porters, he lost his job, couldn't make the payments and the finance company repossessed his car leaving him with something like £25k debt which they were chasing him for. This kid was apparently a waiter living with his parents and living off everyone around him and even asked one of the porters at one point for a fiver to put some petrol in his car. Just to hang with the cool kids, it's absolute madness.
22 Aug 2004
Old jacked up Mustangs are redneck, modern ones no. I know an American who's wife drives one, they are the most unredneck people ever lol. I also lived there for a while, and you would more likely see a weight lifter or something get out of one. Used cars are expensive in the US.
14 Feb 2007
I'm glad to see more hate for gel plates. They look horrible in my opinion! If they came on a car as standard people would be replacing them "Smooth Plates"

As for chav car's I don't think its brand or model specific. Its more to do with the person and what they do to it. I've seen nicely modified Vauxhalls and and terribly modified Lambo's
27 Jul 2009
I’m outside washing my old Citroen van, a guy from the pub pulls up in a new Range Rover, rents his house, not a penny in the bank.
Window winds down he smiles smugly at me.
I’m like congrats you got yourself into even more debt.
At least my vehicles are owned and paid for.
Any fool can get into debt.
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