What's that one where there are about 4 to 5 people in a line and they are all stood behind some kind of moving individual podiums which shuffle forward with a light either catching them up behind or in front of them, can't actually remember which way it goes. But anyway, they seem to have to answer questions to get the light to stop or generally waste time answering so it catches the others up or something. Whatever then name of that gameshow is, that one the worst for me. I think I've stumbled on it a few times and just the sight of the elaborate set is enough to instantly turn me off. What was the matter with the 15 to 1 format? Just do that.
Any show involving Michael McIntyre gets pre-judged so I'll never actually know if the format is any good or not. I can just about bare Bridge of Lies, only just mind. Grant Mitchel is just not gameshow host material, and it's one of those gameshows where they clearly tell the contestants to waffle about what they are thinking to fill the air. That is actually one of the things I find annoying more than any other thing, when your average pleb contestant has been told to try to waffle to drag things out, when a simple concise answer is all you really want. Fake banter/waffle is just something your average Brit simply cannot do convincingly.