What do you do when you can't sleep?

I used to start panicking I was still awake around say 1:00am - thinking things like I’ve got to be up in 4/5 hours so another tip is NEVER check the time and try and imagine it’s only around say 10:00pm
Yeah this is good advice. If I nip to the loo I'll be sure to avoid looking at my clock even if I know it's late/early. Best not to know. The other thing especially on Sundays is just to admit defeat. You'll be tired Monday morning, so just think so what? Everyone will be whether or not they had 8hrs or 4hrs sleep. The body is a marvellous thing and everybody here can get by a days work on 3hrs sleep. So just chill out, don't stress about going to bed early (I'm guilty of running around like a loon after dinner trying to get everything ready for the morning, which only stresses me out even more) -- just go to bed when tired or at your usual time and see what happens. If you get 4hrs, just go with it. You'll survive the day and you'll be shattered for Mon night.
Ugh. I fear I'm slipping into a spiral of on/off insomnia. Saturday night of all nights - we'd had a chilled day, nothing planned for Sunday either. Had some nice food and a couple of glasses of red wine, was falling asleep in front of the TV at 11pm. Cool, you'd think. Go to bed at 11:30pm and can I get to sleep? No sirree... I was awake until 4.45am when the birds started tweeting :( Horrible, horrible. What's going on?

Slept well Sun night, but last night (Mon) I nearly fell asleep as per normal (in bed at 11pm) and woke up again... then I tossed and turned and couldn't get to sleep. Turned the light back on at 12:15am, got a whiskey and read for 20mins. Managed to fall asleep but I'm dying at work today. Eyes sting with tiredness and can I be faffed to actually get anything done, no...

I've made an appointment with the Doctors for next Tues but I think my main thing is the fear that this is spiralling worse and worse :( I don't particularly want to be popping sleeping tablets every night... and I fear he's just going to tell me to give up caffeine.
I have lived with insomnia for decades and there is little to be done. If your experience is just a one off then it is prety much just one of these unexplainable oddities.
1 week = 24/7 = 168 hours

I sometimes split the week into 6, so that I have 6 x 28 hour days. Still adds up to 168. So I feel more tired for it but I also sleep better for it. Black-out blinds do the trick. Air con during the summer months. Very handy for any part-time workers here. Or back at uni when I had lectures on Mon-Thu but none on a Friday.
I've got to be up for work in 4 hours and haven't slept a wink. There's nothing going on in my life at the moment that should be stressing me out right now - work's good, relationship's good, etc etc - but I've been tossing and turning all night. Is anyone else suffering from insomnia, and how do you deal with it?

Blue light from your phone? Have you been using yrou phone in bed?
There's caffeine in chocolate.. more-so in dark chocolate.

Hot Chocolate powder has micro amounts, like 10 times less per 100mg than milk chocolate, so would basically have no stimulant effect.

It's an old wives tale though and hot milk/drinks don't make you fall asleep faster or have improved sleep quality.
Now, heres the question.

(And I am quite serious)

Do any other animals suffer from insomnia or is it just a human thing??

dogs and cats seem too be immune not sure about other creatures.

popping a couple of zopiclone usually helps.

asking for zolpiclone at my GP surgery is akin too asking count Dracula too handle a crucifix :p . i managed too get 7 after some begging. doubt i will be getting any more.
For me if I cant get to sleep for half an hour or so I give up and watch some TV or go on my phone, usually within half an hour I can't keep my eyes open.
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