What do you use your pc for?

20 Nov 2004
Ok i would like to know what you use your pc for and why.

I was thinking about this earlier and ....

Originally mum and dad brought me a pc years ago for homework ect and occasional internet usage. Then from about 13-17years old i got broadband. Therefore the pc was used a lot more for internet usage and i got into pc games which led me down the path of constantly upgrading my pc for new games ect. I also used/am using pc to copy cd's and dvd's (legal ones! Obvioulsy!) and because i spend so much time on the pc i use it to listen to music to.

Now that i am at uni and have taken my pc instead of a tv ect i use it as a stereo, internet usage, for vids and to play the odd occasional game, and maybe do some uni work.

But when i get back home in a couple of months i can see my pc usage going down. This is because i cant be bothered to spend money upgrading all the time for games, it will be summer so less pc games and more pubing and playing sport, therefore i will spend less time on pc and wont really use it to listen to music. I wont use it for vids as i have sky downstairs and dvd player to.

So what do you use your pc for and why?
KizZ said:
listening to music
watching films
porn :p
downloading anything
photoshop and etc.

See, this is why i want to know why aswell as what. Why do you use your pc for music and films, would you not rather sit in the lounge to do this?
started off as just for internet and talking to people. Only got into pc gaming last year. Used to be console only and said i would never play pc games. Temptation got the better of me. :D
Yucca said:
See, this is why i want to know why aswell as what. Why do you use your pc for music and films, would you not rather sit in the lounge to do this?

The PC today can replace almost anything. TV, Hifi etc. I prefer to watch the film on my PC so I can pause them whenever I like and chat at the same time or do something else, or play games.
Yucca said:
See, this is why i want to know why aswell as what. Why do you use your pc for music and films, would you not rather sit in the lounge to do this?

i hate every single one of my housemates, so no, i really would rather not sit in my lounge to do this! also for the fact that the last 2 times the lounge was tidied (october and january) it was by me and me alone and nobody else has lifted a finger so i darent enter it!

so what do i use my PC for...

The reason why i am asking this odd question is that i am beginning to think my obsesion with the pc is over. This is because i no longer want to play a lot of pc games and when im back home nothing beats the 42" tv downstairs for dvds and my pc speakers dont compare to the kenwood stackup my dad has!
KizZ said:
listening to music
watching films
porn :p
downloading anything
photoshop and etc.

Ditto, and with a bit more details

Internet - Duh :p
Music - My Marantz Seperates are back home, only Mp3 at uni, saves room.
Films - My TFT is bigger than my telly, plus my pc is also connected to my micro hifi
porn, downloading, photoshop..etc - Duh again :p
Work - well, it's got to be useful some how !
Stuff I use for my computer for:

Work (CAD, Office stuff, couple of physics calc programs)
Internet (browsing and MSN)
Games/Race sims
Watching DVDs
Listening to music

Stuff I actually built my computer to be able to do when I first assembled it:

Work (CAD, Office stuff, physics calcs)
Internet (browsing and MSN)
Games/Race sims
Watching DVDs
Listening to music

So that worked out nicely :) Admittedly, it's currently on it's 3rd major incarnation since I first built it 4 years ago....I think the only things that survive from that first build are the sound card (Audigy), the speakers (Creative 5.1s) and the IDE cables....
Internet shopping, because its quick easy cheaper and you dont get ignorant people walking into you.

Gaming, i just got into this a year ago and enjoy having a bash every now and then, i suck tho :(

Digital Photography, love taking hundreds of photos and messing with them on paintshop.

Music, I have my pc hooked up to my hifi so it sounds great and i have access to hundreds of tunes so no need for swapping disks all the time.

Internet, chatting on MSN, forums ect.

Watching films and episodes of Lost, 24, Prison Break, OZ, Sopranos, and the odd XXX :eek:

Downloading stuff

Luckilly i dont have to do any work on my PC, i hate spreadsheets and databases etc, i used to get a banging headache at school when we had to that stuff.

Ohh and i like modding my pc if that counts, im allways changing something to make it look better.

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