What do your parents think of you drinking? (<18)

12 Jun 2004
Just curious as to what your parents think of you drinking, going out late to attend parties, staying over at the latest of notice at friend's houses they don't know. As the topic title suggests, this does apply to people under the age of 18 but feel free to post your comments. :)

I mean, for myself, my parents are surpsrisingly easy going, more than i first thought. As long as i text if i'm staying over somewhere after a party, it's all good. As with the drinking, my parents do guess i drink and a leftover case of Stella ( :( ) on my bedroom floor didn't entirely help that.

I mean, i started late i suppose, started going to 'drinking' parties at the age of 16 maybe.

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My Dad didn't care at all. I've been out drinking at house parties since about 13/14. I've got wasted at family dinners on holiday before aswell. He doesn't mind at all, and finds it rather funny. He knows I'm not an alcoholic or anything so there's no reason for him to worry really. He only got annoyed because I always used to nick all his beer :p
My mother was always great, and never stopped me going out/staying out overnight. As long as she knew what was happening and where I was it was fine.
Like you said, a text is all it takes. And responsible behaviour while out also :p
My parents had a rule that I had to be 15 before I could drink. I think that was based on precedent from my brother :p They never really had a problem with me drinking underage. I was usually less trouble than my older brother. I probably still am less trouble than him even though we both live away from home half the year. (I'm at uni and he lives in hospital staff accommodation on week days).
I think I started drinking about late year 8 at school or something, obviously they didn't know back then...

Still a few months off 18 but they've been fine with it for a few years. I tell them when i'm going out, never say when i'll be home because I honestly never know what's going to happen.
My parents were quite weird when it came to alchol, I was allowed to drink in a controlled enviroment from the age of 14-15, this was more to introduce me to my limits, me and a few of my mates would have a nite of computer games and were given 4 cans each, which was plenty to send us to sleep early.

I think this help a lot as from an early age I knew my limits and stuck to them, I have seen people at uni who weren't allowed to drink at all until they were 18, they got to uni and went nuts during freshers week, I saw girls puking everywhere guys passed out as I walked kebab in hand back to my room.


/Also my parents reasoning was, we would rather keep and eye on what you drink and bring you into is slowly than force you to drink on the streets and not know what might happen. I think it worked as I have never drank on the streets, underaged or leagally.
When I was around 7 I guess if my parents would give me a tiny glass of wine if they were drinking some. As I got older the amount would increase. When we went on holidays to Wales (about twice a year) we would go to the pub in the evenings and over the course of a few hours I'd probably have 2 pints or more of Shandy, again the amount increasing, culminating in drinking however much I wanted from about the age of 14/15. We were friends with the barman, his rule was he wouldn't serve us without our parents being present.

Also if I went out dirnking, I would be able to phone my dad at about 2am, give him directions and ask for a lift home.

Now I'm 21, and I don't really do that anymore. I know where my limit is, and stop well before that.
They provided drink for me under the age of 18. If I was going to a party they'd buy drink for me, or give me some from the house. They figured that if it wasn't so taboo, that I'd treat it responsibly as I got older, which I do.

I remember turning up somewhere with a 2 litre bottle of Strongbow

friends: "Where did you buy that?" (intending to get one themselves)
me: "My parents gave it to me"
*friends' jaws drop*
Also I remember being given a glass of baileys when I was 7 :o, that was my unkle tho.

KaHn said:
/Also my parents reasoning was, we would rather keep and eye on what you drink and bring you into is slowly than force you to drink on the streets and not know what might happen. I think it worked as I have never drank on the streets, underaged or leagally.

Drinking on the streets is a lot of fun :D Especially if you live in London, nothing like bringing a skateboard to Trafalgar Square, getting wasted, and ****ing about :p
OCdt Stringy said:
They provided drink for me under the age of 18. If I was going to a party they'd buy drink for me, or give me some from the house.

I haven't been able to do that yet. I mean, i'm almost 18 anyways in a few months and my drink is usually bought for me or all of my friends chip in etc. I know a few friends that happily get drunk with their Dad, watching Tv together etc and i personally, don't get it.
Carzy said:
Drinking on the streets is a lot of fun :D Especially if you live in London, nothing like bringing a skateboard to Trafalgar Square, getting wasted, and ****ing about :p

See thats what my parents didnt want me to do.

KaHn said:
/Also my parents reasoning was, we would rather keep and eye on what you drink and bring you into is slowly than force you to drink on the streets and not know what might happen. I think it worked as I have never drank on the streets, underaged or leagally.

My parents had the same reasoning - only time I ever drank on the streets was either going to or coming from a party. :)
KaHn said:
See thats what my parents didnt want me to do.


Always do everything your parents told you?

(Just realised that could come across as quite condescending. It's not intended that way, more inquisitively.)
My mum has allowed me to drink from the age of around 15+

But im no longer allowed to drink at family parties because of former incidents.

Oh well ill be 18 Thursday..... I choose now :D
Carzy said:
Always do everything your parents told you?

(Just realised that could come across as quite condescending. It's not intended that way, more inquisitively.)

To some extent yes actually, I have great respect for my parents. And it has always been something I would hope I could get from my kids when I decide to have some.

My parents were never bothered and often offered me wine if they were drinking it (not very often anyway), but it never really interested me.
I'll drink now but only socially, and I still don't really see what the fuss is about and can still have just as good a time sober.
Haly said:
My parents were never bothered and often offered me wine if they were drinking it (not very often anyway), but it never really interested me.
I'll drink now but only socially, and I still don't really see what the fuss is about and can still have just as good a time sober.

See I came up through a rugby school and rugby club, so I had a lot of the "lets drink this much in this little time" sort of times aswell, my parents knew this and reacted accordingly.

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