What do your parents think of you drinking? (<18)

Mine don't really mind about booze, have done the street drinking for 4 years and just stopped really, 17 now and it has lost the appeal, getting drunk for the sake of it is a silly idea, unless your going into school in a couple of hours and still awake, thats fun.

Oh and of course I have never sipped a drink at all, as that would be illegal. :p
my folks didn't mind too much, a few times when I was younger i'd go to a house party and come back in a bad state, that would result in a bollocking but apart from that they were ok about it and I was able to drink from around 14 (i'm nearly 21 now).
My parents have always been fine with it, now mum knows what i'm doing at the weekends and that i'm very careful with my drinks. I drink very much i know where my limit is and dont go past it.
My friends think it's funny that my mum will buy me alcohol if i'm going to a party and makes me promise to come in quietly.
I think my parents realised that it was pointless stopping us from drinking underage, they knew we weren't idiots but were still going to make a few mistakes (coming home in a police car etc).
Wryel said:
I think my parents realised that it was pointless stopping us from drinking underage, they knew we weren't idiots but were still going to make a few mistakes (coming home in a police car etc).

Never done that actually, my parents never saw me drunk underage really, now I ball up at 8 pm after being out with Chirs/Hedge not able to walk, but when ever I get in that state all I do is goto bed, I dont keep drinking I dont try and do stupid things like cook, I just goto sleep, regardless of what anyone else wants to do.

Mine didn't mind, I was given lager to try when I was over 13 (only in mouthfuls) and hated it, when I was going out at 17 he didn't mind at all, they know I'm a smart kid and wouldn't be an idiot.

...oh how they were wrong ;)
My parents were cool with it, I could get in to clubs from about 15 years old, I didn't get much pocket money for the even so my dad used to give me £20 - £30 when I went out knowing I would need £10 for a taxi, £4 to get in and that left me with a bit left over for drinks.
I spent Christmas day when I was three in a drunken stupor under the dinner table apparently. I snaffled sherry off of all the adults in the room, none of them realising what I was doing. My parents didnt ever stop me drinking, or tell me not to. We always had wine if they did, and at Christmas there was always drink out for us to help ourselves to from the age of about 12. I was often away from home after the age of 16 staying with my bf. They knew what I was up to, just never commented.

I've just realised, my parents never talked to me about anything! Drink, drugs, boys, sex, they just pretended none of it existed and left me to it. It's a miracle I've turned into the well adjusted morally upstanding citizen I am today! :cool:
well, 1st started drinking when i was about 16 ish (properly), started going to parties same age as well really, maybe 15.
parent are really kool bout things, they let me stay over partys at people they dont know, let alone on a sunday night in brighton when i have college next day.
as long as i tell them, there fine, they never seem to worry which is kool.
Had no restrictions since bout 15 so all is good, after hearing things about friends who cant go out etc, makes me really appreciate how kool my parents are with things :)

edit: dad just found my stash of 4 crates the other day along with whiskey, smirnoff etc and just laughed, i was like eh oh, but all is good :)
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My Dad funded my drinking in my youth, so clearly didn't mind. He let me do whatever I wanted though as I was a very responsible kid. When I moved in with my Mum she didn't mind either, although she took a much harder line with my sister.
When I was younger my parents would never let me even try their alcohol. By the time I was 15 I looked old enough to buy it myself most of the time then occasionally got drunk when I was 16. By the time I was 17 my parents just accepted I got drunk and threw up a few times and then I stopped drinking completely. So in hindsight my parents were quite strict with me drinking right up to about 16/17 and then I stopped :p I can do whatever the hell I want now which is more fun ;) I'm 19 today by the way \o/
My parents never really minded me drinking from around the age of 14, they knew what I was upto. The only thing what did bother them was when I came home wrecked etc or if I got in a state at a family gathering / party that they were at.

They gave me money on a few occasions so I could go to town etc aswel.
My mum is 50/50, she'll only buy me alcohol at easter/birthday/christmas sort of thing, but when it comes to parties all she says is don't get too drunk, even if I do she doesn't seem to mind.

SideWinder said:
suicide_tramp's party *\o/*

\o/ :D
My parents didn't like me drinking. But now I'm 18 and pay rent they are happy for me to do as I please.
wow, looks like i'm one of the very few (if not only one :p) who didn't start until he was 18 :p
My mom always said i wasn't allowed to until I was 18, my dad made a few jokes since i was 16 but nothing more. Since I was a kid, I used to take a sip of whatever my dad was drinking and taht's about it, only on my 18th bday i actually had a full glass of whiskey :p

Could be though because I was brought up in India and my parents were very easy going. Most of my friends didn't drink either, but when they started, they really got into it, without thier parents knowing. That might be because thier parents were a lot stricter than mine and as far as they were concerned, no alcohol, ever :p

I wonder if i'm the only one here whose never been drunk? lol
Bit of facial hair, put a few pounds round the waist and maybe bigger ears and you'll be like Frank in no time at all!
my mum used to buy my beer for me as she always said that she'd know id be drinking but would prefer to know what i was drinking.

however, all my friends where 2 years older than me so when they started drinking at 14 i was only 12, by the time i was 15 i was bored of it and rarely drink even now!
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