what game have you put the most hours into?

According to steam X3 Terrain Conflict is 704 hours but probably half of that was leaving the game running over night.
World of WarCraft

I'm not really sure anymore when it comes to numbers though

I know my WarCraft account has 400 days or so last time I checked it properly (although I thought it was higher when a similar thread was posted a while back) over the course of the last 12 years but I take numbers with a pinch of salt for stuff like that. That 400 days is like 2.2 hours per day every day for the last 12 years (400 * 24 / 12 / 365). Certainly don't feel like I've done that.

Especially when I have Diablo 3 telling me I've done about 2,750 in that and my Steam saying across all the games on there it's another 5,700 hours. That's not even counting Quake 2 and Quake 3 which I spent a massive amount of time on when I was younger, or EverQuest.
I'd guess Heroes of Might & Magic 3.

Used to spend entire weekends playing it with my neighbour, and this was over many years.

Runescape over the last 10 years is probably 3-4,000.
WoW for me, my current steam account doesn't have any high hours simply as they are rebuys of games I previously owned on console. And I just can't spend much time gaming anymore :( How people have full time jobs and rack up hundreds of hours a month still bewilders me.

My colleague has 2 kids and easily racks up hundreds of hours per month in games. Insane.
My highest hours are in open world games like Fallout, Skyrim, the Witcher 3, Stalker etc.

Doubt i'll ever rack up the thousands of hours in a single game as I'm not really into multiplayer games.
For me it had to be Age of Conan, played that game for 6/7 years everyday. Loved it! now a cant wait for Conan Exiles...... Bring it on lol:p
IL2 Sturmovik series, I've no idea how many hours but it's way more than any other game I have played.
Recently, it would have to be GTA Online as I have played the **** out of that game. Put phenomenal hours into Counter-Strike over the years as it was my "go to" game.

Historically I would have to say Ultima Online in the late 90s/early 00s.
Probably Quake 3 in terms of actively playing - easily waaaay more than 10,000 hours - when I played competitively I was putting in a good 5 hours a night for 3-4 years and that doesn't include all the casual playing.

Eve Online I calculated at around 13,000 hours before I quit but only about 1/3rd of that was actively playing - the rest was often tabbed out while doing stuff like mining or fleeted up waiting for stuff to happen.

Q2, COD4 and MW2 I put around 4000 hours into each one of those over the years.

Few other MMO type games like CoH and Guild Wars I put a few thousand hours into.

Not being a student any more and working a lot of overtime these days by comparison I've only just about hit 1000 hours in BF4 - in other games like COD4 in the time since release I'd clocked up more than 4x that number of hours.

I think you have a few to many 0s in there :p

5 hours every single day for 4 years is only 7,300 hours.
I think you have a few to many 0s in there :p

5 hours every single day for 4 years is only 7,300 hours.

There are lots of people out there putting 50+ hours a week into games. A mate has 8k+ hours in L4D :eek:.

EDIT: Ahh i see he said 5 hours a night.
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