what game have you put the most hours into?

10,000+ hours on Everquest across 3 characters.

WoW after that, although as the server does not give character hours played, it's difficult to calculate.

Skyrim is my longest played single player experience, 450+ hours
No data for most of them, not sure when Steam started counting but well over 1000 hours in CSS. Not played for a couple of years though

Dread to think what Q3 figures (and later Quake Live) would add up to...

Nowadays I don't play anything, combination of lack of time, willingness and that most modern games disappoint me in many ways - hand holding and easy/cheap kills, retard proof HUD etc
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Well considering steam didnt start tracking hours until 2009, and i've still got over 1000hrs of css on there. Definitely that. I've probably got upwards of 5000 hours or more prior to steam recording hours.
Easily wow followed by the first guild wars. But from a none mmorpg perspective, call of duty United Offensive sits at around 1600H on my old xfire profile.
WoW after that, although as the server does not give character hours played, it's difficult to calculate.

or there are a few addons that can track playing time on all characters.

I easily have about 500+ days played on all characters and most of that was Vanilla/TBC/WotLK.
More recently:

Guild Wars 2
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer
Jedi Academy multiplayer (Moviebattles II) mod - I used to play this constantly. Also the JA+ mod on duelling servers, but Moviebattles II was far superior.

I imagine in the near future Mass Effect Andromeda multiplayer and Star Citizen will take up most of my gaming time.
CS:GO @1100 hours | Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm @160 hours

Arma 3 @950 hours | BF4 @200 hours

Arma 2/OA @800 hours | FM13 @160hours

War Thunder @550hours
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