What gamepad/gaming-keyboard do you use?

Not seeing any game pads being mentioned, Toms Hardware had a review of a couple of game pads not long ago, was quite a good article as you got to see a couple of different ones.
ohj, forgot to mention mine lol

Logitech s-510 media keyboard + remote control (it works in the garden for christ sake!!! how great is that?????)
logitech mx-518 wired mouse. sod wireless, wired is just easier.
microsoft wired xb360 gamepad. Some games just naturally work better with a pad.
Chaos said:
Replaced my nostromo with a Logitech G15, has on the fly macro recording :)

and whcih macro is this?

I also have the g15(awesome keyboard)
i use a logitech trackman(yes thats right Im a trackkerball user!)
yes chaos

I am intrigued as to which macro's so I can possibly nab em off you to improve my already carp status in BF2

PFG said:
yes chaos

I am intrigued as to which macro's so I can possibly nab em off you to improve my already carp status in BF2


Ah well I mainly play mmorgps so I use macros to fire lots of spells off that would usually take 8 button presses. Kinda got bored of fps games so no macros for them im afraid. Just depends what game im playing but its a very handy feature and now I can get some extra space by not using a nostromo :)
P_A_N_I_C said:
^ without doubt the best keyboard ive ever used. never got used to the moved keys though hehe.

Pleased dont take offence but that keyboard looks naff, and I agree it would be hard to get used to the different keyboard setup

what exactly makes it a gaming keyboard?

its just that gaming boards tend to have a setup that aids the player

that just looks small and mashed together.
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