What games surpassed your expectations?

28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Okay, let's get some useful and positive answers!

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Tombraider (New One)
Middle Earth: Shadow of Modor
Everquest 2(a long time ago, when first released, a bit earlier that WoW)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Assassins Creed 3 (Got bad press, by the press and gamers).
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (MASSIVE SURPRISE)
Fallout 3
Dragon Age: Inquistion (after Dragon Age 2, I expected the worse)
Need for Speed : Hot Pursuit
Resident Evil 5 Co-Op
Spec Ops - The Line
X-COM : Enemy Unknown
Forza Horizon 3, Amazing. Biggest Surprise since Riddick. If you don't own it, buy it, racing fan or not!

Some blasts from the past, it's just something special that surprises me, either a genre I don't like, a low scoring game, a ambience that doesn't usually appeal to me, things like that.
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Wolfenstein: The New Order was fantastic, which completely went against everything I'd read about it!
Why's Forza Horizon 3 so great? I have the first two but they didn't grip me for long.
None that I can think of the past couple of years. These days games struggle to meet my expectations, let alone surpass them.

I think Dishonored 2 has a good chance to though. Hopefully it does.
Wolfenstein: The New Order gets a vote from me too. Much better than i thought it would be. Dishonored is up there too. I expected nothing from the first game and it turned out to be a fun and fast paced FPS.

Old game, but i've only just recently played it.. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers... never heard of the series before and bought it in a sale on GOG. not quite up there with the 90s Lucasarts adventures, but it gets really close.
Wolfenstein: The New Order gets a vote from me too. Much better than i thought it would be. Dishonored is up there too. I expected nothing from the first game and it turned out to be a fun and fast paced FPS.

Old game, but i've only just recently played it.. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers... never heard of the series before and bought it in a sale on GOG. not quite up there with the 90s Lucasarts adventures, but it gets really close.

Gabriel Knight? Only the BEST point and click adventure EVER! The second one might not of aged to well, but when it came out I loved it, worth trying.
Shadow of Mordor gets my vote. I was sick off of work one day and felt sorry for myself so bought it not expecting much.

Completely blown away. The game was far better than it deserved to be.

Gabriel Knight? Only the BEST point and click adventure EVER! The second one might not of aged to well, but when it came out I loved it, worth trying.

not for me... I was brought up on Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Monkey Island. Those will always occupy a special place in my heart.

I do have GK 2 on GOG.. i found it very difficult to get into because of the FMV and general graphical style, maybe i should give it another chance
Why's Forza Horizon 3 so great? I have the first two but they didn't grip me for long.

No driving game has ever gripped me, though Super Monaco GP 1&2 on the Megadrive did... this however, well it is just complete fun. Game of the Year material, and I don't tend to like driving games.

No Forza has impressed me before this.
Ultima Underpants. Me and a mate played that for 36 hours none stop on a drink fueled binge.
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not for me... I was brought up on Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Monkey Island. Those will always occupy a special place in my heart.

I do have GK 2 on GOG.. i found it very difficult to get into because of the FMV and general graphical style, maybe i should give it another chance

Same here, regards Fate of Atlantis, Monkey Island 1&2. The mystery and acting in Gabriel Knight was perfect for the age I was at.
Mad Max
Shadow of Mordor

Mad Max will probably surprise me too, just so many games in my queue... like I'm playing Dishonoured and not really getting it yet, maybe I should switch to Mad Max because I do own it.

EDIT: Forza Horizon 3 is taking up 90% of my game time!!!! :)
Off top of my 'ead:

Doom (2016) & Doom 3
Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2 (brilliant, (2) is one of the best games I've played in quite a few years)
Deus Ex (1) + Revision mod
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Hard Reset
Shadow Warrior (2013)
Quake 1 & 2
F.E.A.R. / Extraction Point / Perseus Mandate
Far Cry
Max Payne 1 & 2
Serious Sam 3
Unreal 1
Fallout 3 / New Vegas / 4
Half Life 1 & Opposing Force
System Shock 2
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Red Dead Redemption

The Last of Us

Mankind Divided (my first Deus Ex, not a perfect game but I really liked the gameplay and the setting)

NFS: Hot Pursuit


Life Is Strange

Resident Evil 4

Dirt Rally

Mad Max (repetitive but enjoyable and top-notch optimisation)

Yakuza 4

Fallout 4 (expected a crap game from all the ranting, had immense fun with it)

There are quite a lot, actually, so no point in naming them all.

I'd like to say Forza Horizon 3 but I came in with very high expectations due to all the reviews and I'm very slightly disappointed with certain aspects of it. Still a fantastic game and the only one I'm currently playing besides Mankind Divided.
Stalker Clear Sky,
Stalker Call of Pripyat,
Alien Isolation,
Metro 2033,
Metro Last Light,
Tomb raider 2013,
Dying Light,
Tales from the Borderlands,
Game of Thrones (Telltale),
The Walking Dead (Telltale),
Rise of the Tomb Raider.
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Shogun 2 TW, there had been a couple of so-so releases but Shogun was completely brilliant and I still play it now.
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