What games surpassed your expectations?

BF3 - bought on a whim as my first fancy graphics PC game cause it was only £20 and I liked CoD. 1260 hours later of amazing video gaming and it has overtaken MW2 as my favourite shooter.

Witcher 3 - I had super high expectations after witcher 2 and all he hype. The main game was amazing but hearts of stone blew me away with the story and the voice acting. Blood and wine was a great ending to the whole saga.
Fallout 3 - thought the graphics on the box looked crap.
Witcher 1 - looked like a cheap elder scrolls knock off, how wrong I was...
Everquest 2 - constant nagging to play by a friend, here I am 11 years later lol
Farming simulator 13 - thought it would be an hour's fun at most.... 200 later.

Probably many more but none spring to mind atm.
Am I the only one who was unimpressed by Witcher 3? Beautiful. Deep. Long. But the gameplay feels loose and wonky. I didn't finish it.

The game that exceeded my expectations more than any other game ever has was the new DOOM. That was an 11/10 for me. GTA5 also exceeded my expectations (which were sky high) and I put almost 200 hours into it but I'm sick of it now. If you haven't played it, you should. Get DOOM too. Another game that exceeded my expectations was Overwatch but I think I'm too old to play that kind of game properly any more. I suck at it really badly. It is a flawlessly executed game though and you can tell an insane amount of thought and care went into creating it.

There is a poor man's GTA5 called Sleeping Dogs which takes place in Hong Kong. Frequently below $5 on Steam. About 20% as good as GTA5 for much less money.
Forgot about Hitman, easily takes the top spot for my biggest surprise in the last two years. Fantastic level design, immensely replayable and tons of fun.
Prison Architect for me

For an Early Access game, they really nailed it. Still one of my favourite games out there :)
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer by far.

Initially I expected a complete flop/waste of resources - ended up being one of the best cooperative multiplayer experiences in recent years and the salvation of the franchise.
Prison Architect for me

For an Early Access game, they really nailed it. Still one of my favourite games out there :)

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer by far.

Initially I expected a complete flop/waste of resources - ended up being one of the best cooperative multiplayer experiences in recent years and the salvation of the franchise.

Forgot about Hitman, easily takes the top spot for my biggest surprise in the last two years. Fantastic level design, immensely replayable and tons of fun.

Some really cool game mentions. Hitman is on my bucket list, even though every past Hitman bored me eventually. I have Prison Architect which I will play. Mass Effect multiplayer I did like.
A couple of others:

Operation Flashpoint (2001 original)
The first FPS with complete free-roam and for the time, the maps were huge! Back in 2001, nothing had been seen before with the same scope - I still play today. It has its quirks (loads). It always makes me smile, when random none scripted moments occur (tanks being blown to orbit) Brilliant!

Left For Dead :)

The amount of time my friends and I wasted on Op Flash is unbelievable.. only had the demo too (vaguely remember that the mission required you to attack a base or a convoy). All those great moment of crawling for hours through long grass, only to be sniped at the last moment :P. Frustrating but fantastic game.
Red Alert 2
Company of Heroes
The first Far Cry game
Battlefield - Desert Combat and BF2
EQ2, amazing at the time...
EvE Online
Total Annihilation
Supreme Commander
Currently slowly be blown away by The Witcher 3
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For just being a couple of hours long, I've replayed it a few times and have had more enjoyment out of it than most other games I've bought.

Awesomenauts and Terraria were both surprisingly good, and dirt cheap!
Hard to come up with much - I have little gaming time, so only play games I expect to be right up my street.

That said, of stuff I've played in the last 2 or 3 years, these have been (even) better than I anticipated:
- Limbo
- Volgarr the Viking
- Never Alone
- Mark of the Ninja
Mass Effect series. I was late to the party, starting just before ME3 launched. The whole ride was fantastic. Got so much faith in the game now that I'll preorder ME:A without a doubt.
A few but these stand out for me.

BL2 - So many hours on this. Great game, funny and grinder done well.
PayDay2 - Simple, original and addictive.
Space Engineers - Took me at least a couple of hours to get on with this. But hooked once i'd figuired it out. Most fun i've had a LAN.
Freelancer - Again, too many hours spent and only thought i'd play it once.
Some really cool game mentions. Hitman is on my bucket list, even though every past Hitman bored me eventually. I have Prison Architect which I will play. Mass Effect multiplayer I did like.

This Hitman is a bit different, each level is like an assassination sandbox with loads of unique challenges, unlocks etc. You constantly feel rewarded for your efforts and it's just great fun all around. It's not too realistic and the physics are a bit wonky but it's the best Hitman in years IMO.

If you're anything like me and enjoy having different tactics/equipment to try out and completing challenges, you'll be replaying levels dozens of times.
Borderlands 2 - Hated the first one and the sequel became my all time favourite game with over 500 hours clocked on it.

Defense Grid - Loved this and have played over 200 hours.

Orcs Must Die 2 - Pretty much the same as Defense Grid, paid very little for it and got so much back.

Alien Rage - An unknown game which I really enjoyed.
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