What good things do you remember about santa ?

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The funny thing about kids though is that you tried to stay up late and catch him but you never did until you were older....

As an adult you find that you know when they are asleep and you can pick em up, move em about etc and they don't wake up ( were talking about littleuns here)

Theres gona be lots of people around our house in the morning and then just us in the afternoon, we think thats gona be best :)
Your little girl is 10 and no santa ? :eek:

We always open our pressies on Xmas Eve

We wait till after midnight then my Mum sends us upstairs to wait for Santa - then once Santa has been we come down and open the pressies :D

She does this still - I'm 23 and my Brother is 25 :p

She even sent one of my Boyfriends upstairs one year :D
Well its kind hard to explain but she had a major problem with poeple who are dressed in costumes and frankly he scares the poo out her :( so telling her that this guy was gona sneak into her room and drop off presents was a bit of a no go.

This year is the first year she had had the courage to speak to him, she followed the tiles in debanhams saying santa this way, and he was out in the open and waved at her and beconed her over..... she kinda did it without thinking about it....tearfull moment too :) After she beamed for hours about it, so shes keen for her brother to enjoy it.
we had a coal fire place, my Dad decided to make coal footprints on the living room carpet and pass them off as santa's, thing is i can't remember this and i don't think my mum was to happy with the coal on the carpet ;)
Originally posted by Glass
we had a coal fire place, my Dad decided to make coal footprints on the living room carpet and pass them off as santa's, thing is i can't remember this and i don't think my mum was to happy with the coal on the carpet ;)

now that would have been good, i can only guess at the type of hassle he got about that :D
well i remember one xmas, when we had loads of snow (in canada, go figure ;)), my dad had us wondering if we could spot some footprints in the new snow.

sure enough, there were some prints on the roof when we looked outside near our chimney, and there were none on the ground.

THAT was cool. stumped me for years. :)
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