What incredible single player titles have I missed over the last 6 years?

I'd suggest grabbing a few cheaper games:

- Sleeping Dogs

- Tomb Raider 2013

- Limbo

- Alan Wake

- Enslaved

- Assassins Creed: Black Flag (if you like pirate games, you'll love this)

- DMC 4 or the reboot, both are good

- Metro LL Redux

- Final Fantasy XIII if you like Jrpgs

You can't really go wrong with any of these and they can be had cheaply.
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Witcher 3 is the best game of the last decade or so. It is an RPG, yes, but it has well done journal that always gets you up to speed. If you could only play one game, make it this one. And get both expansions. They are gloriously well crafted.



Wow, that looks incredible. :eek:

In most games the foliage doesn't move at all.

Yep, a nice change since most of the foliage in this game is clearly on LSD and looks like cardboard when you actually play it (there are a few exceptions of course where it looks really nice):p

And after spending 120+ hours with it, and as a massive fan of Witcher 2, all I can say it's good but massively overrated for quite a lot of reasons.

EDIT: Which, of course, doesn't mean it isn't worth playing.
Fallout 4, Doom, Wolfenstein : The New Order, XCom2, GTA5, Witcher 3, the Batman franchise (if you like Shadow Of Mordor combat style) the TellTale adventure games if that's your thing. I liked the Borderlands story, heard Walking Dead is great too.
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If i had to pick one stand-out single player game I would go for....

Mark of the Ninja.

GTA V, Skyrim, Witcher 3, MGS V all worthwhile if you are willing to lose your life for months at a time.
Wow, that looks incredible. :eek:

In most games the foliage doesn't move at all.

Agreed. But the foliage never stops moving, which doesn't make it more realistic than static foliage.

Best game:

Dark Souls 3. I'd recommend playing Dark Souls 1 with the DSFix mod before playing 3. 100+ hours of sublime gaming.
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