If people earning 100K are struggling something has gone very wrong somewhere.
We don't struggle per se. But it's not as if we're not having to save to buy stuff or use the credit card to buy us time. That said the main benefit for me is how much I'm putting into my pension.
End of the month it's me that pays for 95% of the household.
That's over £4k per month I need to contribute to, to cover everything from the mortgage, to food shopping utilities, cars (2 crappy diesels with 90k+ miles on the clock), insurance, taxes etc.... plus 2 kids and the paraphernalia they create (which I'm not complaining about) and their clubs and after school activities. Plus saving for holiday etc...
You're not left with a huge amount to "play" with.
However, admittedly we do buy good quality food (butcher, market, Waitrose etc...) and we do go on 2-3 holidays a year, but we don't pay for accomodation as we stay with family. We have no debts other that the occasional credit card and the mortgage and we can pay our bills.
I haven't bought a new TV in 6/7 years. Our house needs a lot of work (modernising), however we prioritise giving the kids experiences, so weekends are clubs and activities, seeing friends, going away etc.... we just can't afford to do both that and improve the things we need to or buy the things we want. It's our choice to sacrifice that but it's worth it to give the kids a rounded education and life.
I don't care about being rich or well off, as long as I can pay the bills, offer my family a good safe a d enjoyable life that's all that I care about. I'd love to be able to spank some cash on a new car or modernising the house or even save up for a deposit for a new home. But even on a 6 figure salary when you're the sole earner it doesn't enable you to live the rockstar lifestyle.
By the way I'm not complaining or seeking sympathy. Just giving my perspective. I know I could make different decisions but I wanted to share that I can't do it all.